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AVOID | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development


Abuse and Violence Of the elderly In our Days


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?

Fondacia "Astika"


Association for Strategic Management "Delphi"


PHARE Association


Others: Ortothox Churches „Sv. Bogoroditsa“ and „Sv. Troitsa“, BS The Eastern Rite Catholic Church "Uspenie Bogorodichno", BS and „Sv. Troitsa“, M.Tarnovo White Brotherhood Spiritual Association, BS


Idea pitch

We will identify and prevent violence and neglect to the elderly in the Burgas region. The aim is to prevent the abuse to the elderly, with the help of an active civil society. The target group is: the abused elderly. Beneficients are:the perpetrators -most often familiar; students-starting abuse at school and the communities from the area, where takes place. With team of CCs, associations and churches, as socio-spiritual centers and therapists we'll reach the people and help them.

Where will your project idea take place?

Malko Tarnovo Municipality, Burgas Municipality, Burgas region, SouthEast Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We chosed 2 municipalities with large and small towns, and villages that are depopulated, with elderly and the unemployed young Roma population. Malko Tarnovo is on the border with Turkey and is subject of the emigrants. The lack of means is the main motive of the perpetrators for their abuse. Societal cohesion is "undermined" in the region because society cannot guarantee disparities and avoiding marginalization. This leads to an increase in the feeling of helplessness and isolation.The democracy and societal cohesion are into question in some situations.
We'll help for societal cohesion between different groups by age, status, religion and education and tried to solve the problem with abuse and violence of elderly, which will be a testament to democracy in the region and in Bulgaria.

Who are you doing it for?

The main target group is the abused elderly from the municipalities of Malko Tarnovo and Burgas.
Beneficiaries are: the perpetrators, most often familiar to the victims; young people who start violence and drugs at school; communities of the municipalies.
In Burgas region, there are about 1000 abused and 300 perpetrators, a year. There are 137 schools, 3000 teachers, 45000 students and their parents.
The most important beneficiaries of the project, are the elderly, but also the public of 2 municipalities with 204000 inhabitants and where this abuse takes place.
Teams from community centers, churches and specialists from GOs, public and volunteers will work on the problems of abuse of the elderly first at the regional level, and then nationally and internationally, using our networks.

How do you plan to get there?

The project life cycle includes the stages:
• Research(conceptual): team building, specialists, volunteers and communities; educational methods for team and volunteers
• Preparation: introductory campaign in community centers, churches, schools, clubs and media to inform and engage communities about abuse of elderly; identification of TGs with questionnaires, personal and groups meetings; tech support; work strategy, time schedule, budget, evaluation indicators
• Project implementation and progress monitoring: educational and practical methods and approaches with the TGs and the beneficiaries; impact monitoring
• End completion and post-project control: presentation of the results; evaluation; "happening" with the TGs and the beneficiaries; the modeling method to multiply the results.

What are the expected results?

The project will have a very important impact on the elderly in the municipalities of Malko Tarnovo, Burgas and after in Bulgaria. We want to help at least 20 abused elderly.
For prevention of violence we will work among at least 50 families, 50 young people and 100 elder to develop skills for recognizing the problem of abuse elderly and seek specialized help. Will be given an opportunity to democratic civil society to participate as a partner in such a painful subject.
 We have the ambition with this project the CC "Preobrazhenie-2017" and partners to unite their work on behalf of the elderly and work our organizations to develop into socio-cultural and educational-spiritual centers and challenge the state to create a "Center for working with abuced elderly“, according to our model.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We'll start with an information campaign in which, in addition to the team, volunteers will be involved. The aim is to educate the local community about the problem of abuce of elderly, defined as 9 types of violence.
We'll identify abused adults without violating their human rights through questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and group gatherings. We'll include volunteers from communities and groups, as well from churches, town halls, police and others. Together with the specialists, all groups will be involved, where the real societal cohesion will take place. The link between human rights and democracy is deep and incomplete without the others.
Presenting the results of the project, the local community will give its assessment, an expression of democracy in an active civil society.

Why is this idea important to you?

I'm 66 years old and daily I meet verbal and non-verbal violence, as well the humiliating and contemptuous treatment from different people and different ages.
The idea of the project is dictated by the daily media information about physical violence, robberies, fraud and more over the elderly. Unfortunately, the police registred the crime, the media reported and because abused elderly are ashamed to speak it is difficult to find the perpetrators.
Unfortunately, there is no state structures to deal with the problems of abused elderly. There is some for young people.
Our idea is to help the abused elderly, to learn how to deal with the problem, to create a methodology and practice for the needs of the NGOs, which will help in the future when the project is over.

€ 53100,-

Total budget

€ 48100,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

• Awareness raising campaign-2000€
• Individual trainings: materials + catering for 10 local trainings with 20 p. in the trainig-7000€
• Group trainings: materials + catering for 6 local trainings x 30 p. in the trainig- 4500€
• Office expenses-3600€
• Technical support-1800€
• Travel cost with own cars-1800€
• Accommodation-1800€
• Personnel costs-9600€
• Personnel costs for external specialists-16000€
Community Center own expenses:
• Final "Happening"-2500€
• Indirect costs-2500€.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive practical advices, useful comments and feedbacks on our idea.
We would like to connect to NGOs, working on idea of ​​abused elderly or cooperate on other themes.
But most of all we want to communicate and discuss, whatever we find good, completely democratic! Welcome!



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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