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Artivism for Global Justice | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Youth participation and empowerment

Artivism for Global Justice

Generate a space where young migrants find a oportunities to be toghether with other young people, to relate and acquire social and work skills


Who is behind this?

Ester Bonal

Xamfrà (L'ARC Foundation)


Who is joining forces?






Idea pitch

When a young migrant arrives alone in a large city, the risk of rejection and social isolation becomes present. A first reception is necessary but not enough to guarantee their rights to a dignified life. generating spaces for opportunity for participation without any bureaucratic hurdles is essential to enter into a process of real inclusion.

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the neighborhoods of large cities where most situations of poverty are suffered, it is where processes of social segregation are generated, rejection of new neighbors who arrive as migrants or refugees and where episodes of violence are triggered.To counteract these processes, spaces of attention to the basic needs of the people are necessary, but also of opportunity of knowledge and mutual recognition. We need spaces to share experiences and contributions that contribute to the emotional well-being and perception of social security of all people who live there.
Raval is one of this quarters

Who are you doing it for?

"I came to change my life, that of my family and that of my people. I thought it would be easier, but no! ... that they look at me differently for being what I am. Let them get away from me for being what I am...I miss my family, my people, my land and my culture.I am here to seek a better life. We just want you to be our family, and not look different." (Omar, Senegal, 21 years old)
As Omar, many young people arrive to Barcelona looking for a chance. They come from Senegal, Sierra Leona, Mali, Ghana, Marrocco, Ukrania, Russia, Latin American countries...
They are young like the young people born in Barcelona ... We should ask ourselves: how would we want our young people to be treated if they had to leave their country?

How do you plan to get there?

The artivism project for global justice is structured from:
1-Creation of a welcoming and safe environment where the young person develops trust with others, both with professionals and with their peers. It should be a space where you are allowed to make mistakes, a fun space to learn, open up, ask for help... Due to the circumstances that these young people suffer and/or present, it is usual for these bonds of trust to be difficult. Confidence is the key to getting the young person to help and support.2-Provide young people with experiences and experiences that affect and challenge them. From activities related to their interests, theater, music, art, technology, etc. they can explore their potential development zone (Vygotsky) facing possible challenges.3-Through meetings and reflection both individually and in groups that analyzes, validates, gives meaning and recognizes the successes.4-Every young person is empowered in their path of socio-emotional growth. Emphasis is placed on promoting the emotional, personal, and social resources needed to achieve a process of personal emancipation and social commitment.
The process contributes to the acquisition of tools that allow them to face and overcome difficulties, while being done with a network of social support, necessary to ensure a dignified life project.

What are the expected results?

Get Emotional Management to be aware and constructively manage positive emotions and emotions that are challenging
Get positive self-concept and self-esteem feeling free and confident to express your thoughts assertively (Rosenberg)
Problem solving: Be able to think through several steps, identify and understand a problem and devise a solution to address it.
Decision making: be able to choose based on certain criteria.
Empathy and teamwork: Know how to relate to others with acceptance, understanding and sensitivity to their various perspectives and experiences.
Relevance and Relationships: have established strong relationships
The need for belonging is fundamental for the development of young people in the link with their referents.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Xamfrà is an organization that develops different projects in the city, always related to the fight for equality and social equity. To do this, it promotes multiple citizen alliances, including the anti-rumor network, the community radio network, local television ... Through these alliances and collaborations, community artistic creation projects are developed that always have as with the aim of making visible the injustices, inequalities, stereotypes and prejudices ..., in an exercise of shared reflection between the people who participate in the creation and those who witness it as an audience. Xamfrà has been recognized many times for his work of social awareness through community artistic practices.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team have in common their social commitment and the will to get involved in processes that make us question the world in which we live, understand the causes that cause inequalities everywhere and promote mobilization processes to reverse them.We are people from diverse cultures, backgrounds and backgrounds, who work from a socio-affective methodology through different artistic disciplines, always from global justice and the ethics of care to promote a way of being in the world respectful of people and the environment. Creart professionals also have a long career in intervention in Middle Eastern countries. Xamfrà has a well-established team with long experience. Eliseo Loyé, young educator has experienced the migration in the first person

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Total annual cost to develop the program with 25 young people
Participation of 25 young people in the program, through registration for two weekly workshops 72 hours / young person: 1800 hours per year
€ 25,000
Communication and follow-up meetings of young people by professionals
8 hours / young person: 200 hours per year
€ 5,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to share our idea with other existing projects that make use of community arts as tools for global justice, through promoting spaces for reception and shared artistic participation, not segregated and with special care to reach people in risk situation





Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 23, 2021

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