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Community development, Environment and sustainability


Setting up, development and sustainable operation of an association of European ancient towns.


Who is behind this?

Atanas Yankulov

Open stage


Who is joining forces?

Ancient Plovdiv


Active Support for Creativity


Project M Solution EOOD


Comschet EOOD works in finance and accounting; it is a trusted partner and we would happily partner with them when it comes to professional accounting and financial reporting of activities under this


Idea pitch

The project goal is to bring together the experience and good practices of Europe’s ancient towns and to activate the local civic organisations for active participation and decision making to turn these cultural and historic areas into open and inclusive spaces.

Where will your project idea take place?

The Ancient Europe Project will be managed mainly from Sofia and together with our partners in Plovd

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The public challenge of the Project consists in creating an opportunity for exchange of positive experience and policies, bringing about activation of local communities to exert active control, initiate policies and participate in decision-making.

Who are you doing it for?

The target groups of the Project are, to put it in very broad terms, all on whom the prosperity of these ancient towns depends and the related communities. By bringing them all together in a single Association, their experience and positive practices will be shared, which will in turn serve as the basis for development and activation of many specific target groups at the local level: ones that already exist, as well as for setting up new civil structures, guilds of painters, craftsmen, musicians, architects, tourism chambers, gallery owners, cultural entrepreneurs and many others who will consider this a good prospect for their performance and fulfillment.

How do you plan to get there?

Stage 1
Developing membership criteria, Articles of Association and registration of ‘Ancient Europe’ Association.
Stage 2
Setting up a team to survey the ancient towns in Europe and send them official membership invitations. Membership agreements shall be sent to those which accept the invitation.
Stage 3
Development of ‘Ancient Europe’ digital platform, while the team shall start gathering, processing and uploading the respective content for each town.
Stage 4
Sending invitations to all members for the inaugural meeting to be held in May 2022 in Ancient Plovdiv, with rich and productive 3-day programme: formal establishment, presentations, discussions and thematic fora, meetings, cultural and get-to-know events and adoption the plan for the future activities of ‘Ancient Europe’.
Stage 5
Activation and inclusion of all local civic communities for their active and long-term involvement in the management of these cultural and historic areas.

What are the expected results?

The setting up and sustainable development of ‘Ancient Europe’, a civil association of ancient towns, which will bring them together into an efficient community which will, in turn, facilitate the development or setting up of local civic structures to cooperate and participate actively in bringing about prosperity to the environment they live in, for the common good.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

When an idea such as ‘Ancient Europe’ emerges and it is constantly stated and worked on, this surely tables issues and problems, provides opportunities for knowledge, foreign experience and positive practices, opens up discussions and debates and actively invites and recognises as its own main partners the various civic and social communities and it is only natural that these local communities will get activated and participate directly in development-related decision-making.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team behind the idea is comprised solely of people who believe that by establishing ‘Ancient Europe’ they will unite experiences, opportunities, positive practices and civic communities into an environment for active cooperation, which is already a prerequisite for the sustainable solution of local problems.
Our team is motivated by the belief that if the ‘Ancient Europe’ Project is implemented, it will contribute to the sustainable development and transformation of ancient cities into vibrant, functional and inclusive cultural and historic, and civil spaces. This is our mission.

€ 48200,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1.Expenses for developing criteria,Articles of Association,agreements and court registration of ‘Ancient Europe’–EUR 1,500
2.Expenses for an office and its equipment and consumables for 8 months EUR 5,600
3.Expenses for a 3-member team for 8 months-EUR 16,800
4.Development of the digital platform ‘Ancient Europe’–EUR 7,500
5.Implementing the programme of the 3-day inaugural meeting with the participation of all members:air fare,accommodation,logistics,interpreters,hiring venue-EUR 16,800

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

With care, responsibility and gratitude we will accept any comments and advice and would adjust our project to reflect all constructive ideas.


Atanas Yankulov

Idea created on April 24, 2021

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