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Global Students UNITY in Health | Civic Europe
Community development

Global Students UNITY in Health

Health in every home for all pupils and students. Accessible classes for physical activity and personal development.


Who is behind this?

Anna Zhelyazkova

Association ZaEdno



Idea pitch

Our goal is to inspire, motivate, unite and help pupils and students build healthy lifestyle habits and improve their well-being, regardless of gender, age, nationality, ethnicity and location. By creating a virtual space with health and social orientation, a place that shares professional practices for physical activity and personal development for children. The corona-virus epidemic shows an urgent need of accessible social platform for healthy lifestyle. It will be in Bulgarian and English.

Where will your project idea take place?

Management from Varna,Bulgaria. Our project is a virtual space,so it's limitless, has no boundaries.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The health condition of pupils and students shows a disturbing tendency of deteriorating health status. Following the circumstances of the pandemic with online education,and the ban on going outside, completely eliminates the possibility of movement and physical activity. The negative consequences of sitting in front of the TV and computer for many hours have a bad effect even on those who are in good physical shape. The lack of established platforms in the field of sports and health has led to the deterioration of the mental, physical and social development of pupils and students and has shown the need of its creation. We believe as well that the technology is part of future of nowadays children’s. The sooner we learn them to use it constructively the better will help them to be healthy.

Who are you doing it for?

We do it for all pupils and students aged 6 - 19 years, as prevention and treatment. With different needs, skills and interests, with different health state and different social status. Our platform will be highly useful for children with health problems as postural disorders and spinal deformities, overweight, depression, mental barriers, behavioural difficulties, communicable problems and etc. Who do not have financial means, lack of support and accompaniment, lack of access, which are located outside large cities, in underdeveloped regions.

How do you plan to get there?

Assembling a qualified team. Buying all necessary video production equipment, video editing software, renting and equipping the premises. Developing of a module to the existing platform in to provide practices for physical activity and personal development for pupils and students. Developing and structuring of all practices. Translating it to English language. Pre-production, production and post-production of the videos on both languages. Advertising Campaign Creation and Realisation.

What are the expected results?

Provoked interest and provided opportunity for pupils and students to use a virtual platform for systematic practice of physical exercises, relaxation, etc. Increasing sports engagement and activity among children. Expanding knowledge and acquiring skills for physical activity as an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Integrated software platform with video classes, practices and educational articles focused on healthy living for pupils and students. Preventive measures against negative phenomena such as drugs, aggression or apathy, change to a fuller life. In a new epidemic situation, pupils and students will have established habits and the ability to practice regular physical activity despite the restrictions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We see that our society needs new effective tools and approaches to stimulate physical and mental development among pupils and students. We believe that "Global Students UNITY in Health" project will support the development of healthy lifestyle habits, community values and new opportunities for socialisation regardless of the social class and status of the pupil and student. In this way we will create conditions for building a democratic community aimed at healthy living lifestyle.

Why is this idea important to you?

The future world is in our children, we consider its important to invest in their well-being. The busy daily lives of pupils and students filled with endless stress, shows a growing need for healthy living lifestyle platforms with classes and practices aimed to restore, maintain and improve physical, emotional and mental health, led by experts for free and accessible to everyone. Our idea is despite the circumstances in which our society finds itself, to inspire children, teach and motivate them to develop positive healthy lifestyle, actively participate in life, without losing their health habits and social status. Our mission is to invest in the physical, emotional and mental health of the individual and society as a whole.

€ 48880,-

Total budget

€ 48880,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Approximate budget:
Administration (project manager, coordinator of the project and accounting)- 7 200 EUR
Staff wages - 12 400 EUR
Web module development, web positioning and advertising- 6000 EUR
Rental - 4 500 EUR
Office expenses: 900 EUR
Direct costs - 14 880 EUR
Other expenses - 3 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Would you benefit of physical activity presented in such a format? Would you recommend it to your children and the children of your relatives and friends? Do you think there is a need for such a platform? Do you know if there are other platforms of this type aimed at pupils and students well-being?


Association ZaEdno

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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