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GARUM - | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development, Our partnership represents young and elderly peopl


Adriatic network of associations promoting food and wine culture of seaside villages, investigating as the maritime quotidian life heritage still links communities once upon a time unified by the sea


Who is behind this?

Emanuela Panke

Iter Vitis


Who is joining forces?

Local Action Group Fishery Brac/FLAG BRAC






4) we are partner experimented in the enogastronomic local culture enhancement all of us belonging to Iter Vitis and through it also connected to the network of COE Cultural Routes


Idea pitch

GARUM (name of ancient roman dish) challenge is to enhance shared values of quotidian life. The living heritage of the art of cooking by our grandmothers is our Adriatic maritime plural identity.The objective is to represent these stories from dispersed and weak cultural communities, bridging the local narration to the widest group of citizens and visitors, in the context of local events and social media platforms.Our target groups are marginalized communities spread around the Adriatic coast.

Where will your project idea take place?

Adriatic cost: Venise, Marche & Puglia (IT) to Cefalonia & Corfù (GR) passing through Dalmatia (HR)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We selected group of main partners in Italy, Croatia and Greece able to connect to the local F&W tradiction and also to a specific target group, such as, for example: the resilient communities in danger for the mass tourism (Venice, Corfù, Dubrovnik), and the isolated communities on the islands (Tremiti, Dalmatia, Itaka).
The economic process create a concentration of the population in the main urban centers, negletting the communities spreads in the adriatic cost, and their tradictions. Often the young generation move form this communities towards biggest life opportunities. We want to give to the original quotidian life the outstanding value of beeing a zero pollution economy in a intergenerational equilibre. We want to bridge the knowledge of the eldery to the new generations

Who are you doing it for?

Local communities, specifically groups at risk of social exclusion. This group is the audience of the ongoing activities of the partner organizations and they are to be reached with the aim of fostering social inclusion and civic participation through the local typical and historical gastronomy, hand craft production related to fishing products. The strategy targeting this demographic will be developed at local level actions as it is a part of the learning process and vital to ensuring the success and longevity of the project results in the community.
Target groups are: each local Community and Stakeholders (C&S), the ones in their interlands, the regional and state C&S, and of the whole adriatic cost. The european C&S, are engaged by the local, regional and national partners.

How do you plan to get there?

GARUM focuses on the immaterial memory of seaside villages, capable of bridging the generational gap between the elderly and young people. We want to build a multimedia platform where the elderly tell their recipes to the young, sitting around a table to prepare and share their ancient but current recipes.
Each of the associations together with us will organize an event in 3/4 village with some elderly people, who cook and tell their recipes, and are recorded in a video to be transmitted on a common web platform. The event becomes a stage of a sort of cultural cabotage that binds the Adriatic countries and our food and wine cultures in sequence. A sort of "tasty regatta" that leads to other routes that we will build together.

What are the expected results?

The common aim is promoting audience engagement through the tradition of gastronomy, handcraft and fishing, especially in fisherman villages: preserving the tradition collecting good practices on digital supports filming, ancient craft fisherman, cookers, fishing boat craft makers, in order to realize an archive to show the different practices in the European coastal and rivers areas.
The risk of globalization could bring new challenges to communities, ancient practices are the most effective witnesses of a community during the time. Keeping them alive using modern tools also promotes
- intercultural dialogue
- social cohesion
- democratic engagement
Local communities are empowered by discovering the outstandig added value of their heritage in an adriatic cohese network

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

the Adriatic waterfront is a societal space ripe for revitalization and making a renewed contribution to the social and economic development of European cities. In their daily work, the project partners endeavor to drive cultural and creative interventions as a means of impacting the social and economic climate of their post-industrialized fisherman and rural village environments. This project aims therefore to develop the learning dimension of the communities involved as they attempt to meet the challenges of this changing work environment and strive to take a leading role in the re-imagination of the waterfront as a shared space to promote social cohesion, civic pride as well as communal ownership of and accountability to our natural resources through culture.

Why is this idea important to you?

According to the Faro Convention which links the concept of the "common heritage of Europe" to human rights and to the fundamental freedoms, Iter Vitis aims to link local communities to build an environment where citizens wish to express their cultural belonging . Iter Vitis will act as a facilitator for the transformation of the territory activating processes of identification with the place, enhancing residency and attracting new people. Furthermore, Iter Vitis will connect project activities with the environment of local associations/events using cabotages for educational/cultural purposes and sharing knowledge on the role played by fisherman and rural village s/river across Europe in transforming the territory through practicing art and culture in public spaces.

€ 60000,-

Total budget

€ 49000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

web site 2000 EUR
10 video during the local events 4000 EUR
2 video for the whole project 1000 EUR
10 local events 5000 EUR
2 general events 2000 EUR
travel expenses 11000 EUR
project ideation and writing 4000 EUR
local project management 10000 EUR
general project management 10000 EUR
cabotage in kind contribution from local sponsors 11000 EUR
total 60000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Suggestions on other areas to involve after the end of the project, moving forward with the activities and involving more cities and more region, each one with its own unicity, and be able to transfer this pilot pattern to other areas and increase the sustainability of the project.





Idea created on May 3, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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