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AcTTeens | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment


Active teenagers and university students for involving adults, planning future of locations and setting up youth councils in 6 settlements to advise institutions on youth needs.


Who is behind this?

Ildiko Simon

Cromo Foundation - Cromo Alapítvány


Who is joining forces?

Municipality Of Érd


We cooperate with local governments, schools, cultural institutions, online and offline groups and entrepreneurs from all the 6 settlements. Project scope is 105 601 inhabitants.


Idea pitch

We set up youth action groups (AcTTeens) in 6 localities cooperating with local institutions and decision-makers. They activate their own age group members and involve adults in planning, making recommendations to the local government and other institutions on how to transform the policy and practice of the municipalities in relation to youth needs.
Goals will be achieved through online research, community interviews, social media campaigns, organizing community forums in each settlement.

Where will your project idea take place?

Érd and surrounding 5 settlements, near to Budapest, Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Every second young person wants to go abroad to study or work. Smaller settlements become depopulated and start to slowly deprive.
Large social differences within young target group, poverty and unemployment are reproduced in socially disadvantaged young population.
Generational gap between parents and young people further increases the youth's problems, lack of practical knowledge contributes to youth unemployment and impoverishment.
Hungarian population is apathetic, unmotivated in active citizenship, culturally divided and can be mobilized only for their children ‘sake.
In Hungary, due to the centralization efforts of the government, the role of local governments and their institutions is decreasing, many of them are closing down or carrying out low-level activities.

Who are you doing it for?

Primary target group is 15–20-year-old high school students living in the 6 settlements
Many of them attends high schools in the capital, and they spend their free time here, as there are no public spaces and clubs for young people in their towns
Socially disadvantaged young people living in the 6 municipalities.The proportion of Roma and socially disadvantaged young people is high, and they are isolated
20–25-year-old students living in 6 settlements want to gain project experience in community development, project and groupwork management
Professional experience is needed to start their career, they start with disadvantage in the labor market, where experience is expected as start
Project gives all 3 target groups what they lack the most, we involved them in the planning phase.

How do you plan to get there?

Recruiting teenagers and university students-road show in high schools and Instagram campaign
Mapping the utilization of public spaces/schools/cultural institutions -Action research in 6 localities led by acTTeens and youth leaders (university students)
Formation and managing 6 small groups of settlements led by 1-1 university students
E-learning program for high school and university students in 6 topics (e.g. planning and conducting public forums, project management, online cocreation methods)
Peer-to-peer mentoring -In each group there will be 25% social disadvantaged young people mentored in working pairs
Creation and management of social media pages, brand created by acTTeens
Project visual design - by the acTTeens groups and decided by audience voting on social media
Campaign on Facebook and Instagram to mobilize adults – led by acTTeens
Share your vision campaign - Community interviews led by acTeens and uploaded on social media platforms
Public Space Design Forums in 6 settlements led by acTTeens
Recommendation paper for local authorities and other key actors by acTTeens
Youth Consulting Team in 6 settlements – 3 persons/acTTeens
Guide/Toolkit on How to involve people in local actions and How to coordinate Online Teams (2 easy-to-use publications- downloadable format)
Project website management-acTTeens design, manage a website in Hungarian/English

What are the expected results?

6 youth advisory groups and recommendations will help local governments and institutions in how to involve the future generation
They will receive recommendations on how to redesign their programs to attract young people
Schools will receive recommendations on what programs mobilize youth to motivate them for learning and choosing career
New youth organizations can be established and young people can be better involved in the life of local NGOs and FB online activities
Communication on local affairs can appear on Instagram or even TikTok, which is a less used tool for the adult population
Businesses will receive advice directly from the target group on how to transform employment practices to involve the workforce of the future
Project can be multiplied by using toolkits and guide

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Primary target group have never been involved in local affairs, while they have a lot of creative ideas in using digital tools. Youth will become active counsellors in the local communities on how to utilize local community spaces
Young people can learn directly about local decision-making mechanisms and get involved in local stakeholders’ networks. Stakeholders from different sectors regardless of their political orientation design and implement community innovations. Community spaces will be renewed, residents fill them with relevant contents
Civic education will be implemented through e-learning, peer-to-peer mentoring, learning by doing. Project provides several options: visual (infographics), read / write (guidebooks), audio (videos, podcasts), kinesthetic (videos, learning by doing

Why is this idea important to you?

We have been dealing with community development for 18 years with focusing on high school students. Ildiko Simon has been working as community development trainer for 28 years and committed to active citizenship. Zsófia Tornóczi, program manager has been working in the civil sector for 20 years, training and coordinating volunteers and is committed to combating social exclusion. Ivett Varga, program assistant graduated this year and has been working for the foundation as a volunteer for a year, and is also the contemporary leader of youth projects.
We work with 7 university students coordinating project teams of teenagers in another program, studying at the faculties of economics, psychology and the arts, and this work model has worked well during the pandemic period.

€ 35100,-

Total budget

€ 34000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel (partner included) 12000 EUR
Office expenses 2500 EUR
Travel&Per diem 2000 EUR
Communication 6300 EUR
Other expenses 11200 EUR
Own contribution 1100 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

From extensive experiences of the members of the Civic Europe network, we would like to receive ideas, suggestions on how to develop European Union Competencies; good examples, practices how to better involve youth in local affairs from both democratically less and more developed countries.



Cromo Foundation

Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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