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"Active community" | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

"Active community"

Active advocacy for the local community


Who is behind this?

Patrycja Solarz

Green REV Institute



Idea pitch

Active Residents which aims to support local communities in asserting their right to live in a clean environment, with access to healthy water,without the risk of loss of value of their property as a result of industrial farms. Within the framework of this project, the Foundation joined in the analysis of odour protection legislation in EU countries,identification of white spots in national and EU regulations that foster the circumvention of regulations protecting the environment and human right

Where will your project idea take place?

Wielkopolska, western voivodeship in Poland.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We want to reduce the negative effects of the farms. The main threats to residents are: odour, water pollution, soil overfertilisation and food contamination. Threats are caused by the presence of large quantities of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, cadmium, various odour compounds, among others. All this contributes to a reduction in the quality of life of the local community.
The establishment of farms causes social conflicts and, as a consequence, leads to a decrease in trust towards local authorities. Industrial farms have been a problem in the region for 10 years. The region is also experiencing a lack of equitable transformation due to the mining industry that exists there.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is for the benefit of local people who suffer from pollution and often cannot realise the consequences of the farms. The action aims to raise their awareness and encourage them to create their own organisations and civic actions. We want to remedy the low effectiveness of civic activism in protecting the rights of people living in the vicinity of industrial farms and enforcing animal production standards.
We are committed to mobilising and equipping residents with the skills and qualifications to conduct advocacy themselves. We want to give them the tools with which to change the local situation for the better.

How do you plan to get there?

Thematic modules: educational, activation, citizenship and accompanying activities.
1) Thematic training - developing knowledge on the consequences of uncontrolled activity of farms: a)industrial farms and the consequences of their activity b)legal aspects of industrial
2) Tool room - tools of social activism: a) How to organise a Local Campaign b) Advocacy Campaign c) How to build alliances, principles of networking, effective communication; d) Enable design thinking: how to develop a community project; e)Community Fundraising: ethical fundraising f)Crisis management: how to recognize and counter crisis situations, including corruption.
3) Local workshops:a) Citizen panels in LAC(Local Advocacy Campaign: a) workshop to prepare for the organisation of a local civic panel with the participation of: local authorities, municipal councillors, municipal local administration, local community, ferm industry, local business, local media, NGOs; b)Petitions under the LAC c) Evaluation of the implemented LAC: group workshops
ACTIVATION a)Case study workshops b) LAC strategies c)Evaluation of citizen panels
Implementation of the LAC strategy will be based on the organisation of citizens' panels by each of the 4 groups, preparation of petitions by the groups on the adoption of a resolution of intent by the Municipal Council (MC).

What are the expected results?

Main results: 20 project participants from 4 localities affected by the negative effects of industrial farms will develop knowledge and skills in the field of civic activity towards enforcement of law and standards of industrial farms operation, thanks to the package of educational and activation activities; development, implementation, evaluation of 4 Local Advocacy Campaigns on protection of environment, life, health of residents of areas affected by the activity of industrial farms in Wielkopolska; organization of 4 citizen panels; development and submission of 4 petitions to Commune Councils concerning the adoption of resolutions of intent on the implementation of the system of protection of residents from the negative impact of factory farms; organization of 4 meetings with MEPs.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Low competences of the citizens in monitoring the activities of the local government, in using the right of access to public information concerning farm permits and low civic knowledge on the legal regulations concerning the activity of industrial farms, necessary to effectively influence their activities, make the local community unaware of how to act. Our idea will help to strengthen civic participation, which is essential to prevent other epidemics, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our educational programme is designed to equip future activists for social and political participation at local and national levels.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team includes a group of young people who create advocacy programmes for animals, people and climate. They believe that people's rights, the environment and animal rights are more important than money. For the volunteers it is important to counteract the bad effects of farms on the local community and the environment.
The Foundation has a permanent team in the form of members of the Foundation Board and an Expert Council. The Expert Council consists of 12 experts presenting high competences and level of knowledge in such fields as: law, political and sociology, building of organisation strategies and communication campaigns, environmental and climate ethics and animal rights, animal and nature protection law.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Coordinator - civil-law contract 1000 EUR x 10 = 10000 EUR
Assistant 700 EUR x 10 = 7000 EUR
External accountant 100 EUR x 10 =1000 EUR
Service to citizens' panels - consultant =2000 EUR
Running the classes - 6000 EUR
Room + equipment for classes - 5000 EUR
E - marketing - 2000 EUR
Publication, handbook on local advocacy - 2000 EUR

We ask for 100 percent funding

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How to improve the dialogue between main actors- residents, local authority and businesses in time of populism- climate as well and strong polarisation.


Patrycja Solarz


Idea created on April 16, 2021

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