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Active Citizens | Civic Europe

Active Citizens


Who is behind this?

Eugen Bușoiu

Create Change



Idea pitch

Through Active Citizens we’re encouraging active citizenship behavior, aiming to create a digital place where citizens can address their community concerns and problems, prioritize them and find solutions in a collaborative manner.

On the platform, citizens will be able to group themselves in communities, neighborhoods or tenant associations and share resources, organize events and find solutions in solving their community problems.

Where will your project idea take place?

As a pilot program, the idea will first be implemented in Iași

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

One of the challenges is the citizens lack of involvement at a lower level in solving issues that their community is having.

Who are you doing it for?

We all want to live in a peaceful, citizen-centric environment and it's important for each of us to get involved in contributing to achieving such a goal. The platform will be open to anyone with the ability to organize themselves in local communities (neighborhood level / tenant association).

How do you plan to get there?

Once released, the platform will be available as part of a pilot program for Iași organizations (tenant associations, communities, smaller villages). Their on-boarding will be performed through platform walk-through sessions and support.

In order to create awareness of the platform, besides online and offline promotion, we'll put together an ambassador program where civic active citizens will be able to register and help with the adoption.

Phase 1: Platform MVP development
Phase 2: Ask for feedback and start engaging with tenant associations, local authorities and citizens and apply feedback on the product
Phase 3: Ambassador program kickoff
Phase 4: Online promotion
Phase 5: Start engaging with other regions

What are the expected results?

A year from now, I envision the platform to be adopted by other regions and communities from Romania and abroad.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through the platform, citizens will be able to engage with their neighbors, organize local gatherings and discuss their community concerns. In order to be transparent, all decisions and opinions will be documented and shared in a digital private space (accessible by their group members only).

Why is this idea important to you?

I believe in active citizenship and that the collaboration between citizens and authorities can lead to growth and success stories on both sides, but maybe sometimes we don't have the right tools in order to be efficient and have an open collaboration.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 40000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

- Marketing (online promotion) : 10.000 eur
- Development of the platform: 10.000 eur
- Hosting services: 2.000 eur
- Personnel: 16.000 eur
- Travel: 2.000 eur



Idea created on May 20, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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