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Active and dignified life | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Active and dignified life


Who is behind this?

Maia Vizeva

National Association of Gerontology


Who is joining forces?

Medical College “J. Filaretova” Sofia



Idea pitch

Active and dignified life is a health programme social inclusion for marginalized groups. The project will establish a traveling health club for elderly people. The health club will provide Quality of Life Program - educational campaigns and social activities for raising awareness of socially important illnesses that lead to isolation as well as put on risk their life. Volunteers will be trained to help with crises and to care for the elderly people.

Where will your project idea take place?

Project activities will take place in the East Rodopi mountine.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Rodopi is a region where the speed of population ageing is the fastest. On elderly the result of the social structures changes in general in rural areas is that they feel socially alienated, because they are forced to spend the rest of their lives in institutions, accompanied by loneliness or isolation, factors that contribute to their physical and mental deterioration. Also the intense psychological problems which may be faced by the elderly, have as a starting point their isolation due to health problems and indifference faced from the members of their family, but also from the social environment towards the elderly This leads the elderly person to be more distant from his family, friends and work.

Who are you doing it for?

Elderly people represent groups of population at risk of marginalisation: they are likely considered to be unable to take part in the so-called active life which generally shapes the construction of identity in adulthood. The intention is to explore their personal strategies of social participation, their embeddedness in social networks and the availability of resources they activate in case of need.
Elderly people in rural Rhodopi region confront barriers that prevent them from fully participating in their political, economic, and social life. They are excluded not only through labor markets and social life, but also through attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Developing of educational programme
2. Providing courses for local professionals
3. Providing courses for elderly people
4. Platform for engaging volunteers
5. organization of a public awareness campaign in the community

What are the expected results?

Awareness among the society that elderly people are part of society.
We expect to mobilize local community resources (solidarity, empathy, supportiveness).
Boosting the self-esteem and self-confidence of elderly people as part of the society.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our iniciative involve volunteers, local social services providers and local governments, working together to secure health programme for eldery people, which are an important part of the local sociaty. The project activities link eldery people with young volunteers through providing a health care campaignes and social network of volunteers. We aim to develop a mutual assistance in the local society, which is characterized by an aging population and to build the responsibility of youngsters and local authorities to the elderly, who are an important part of local society and to socialize and provide knowlage for a dignified life. This will strenthen the local comunity and will

Why is this idea important to you?

Older people are assuming a greater importance in the European Union as both their numbers and their proportion of the population increase due to the ageing of the population.
Only a supportive and cohesive local community can develop civil activism and participation of eldery people. The most excluded people are the most vulnerable and that's why we aim to provide a health programme for Active antiquities and a dignified life .

€ 49200,-

Total budget

€ 49200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel expenses – 12 experts: 12 000 euro
Transportation and accommodation expenses: 2 500
Seminars for professionals: 3 700 euro
5 days training for volunteers: 12 000 euro
Community information events: 5 000 euro
Event equipment and materials: 4 000 euro
Issuance of a booklet: 5 000 euro
Development of platform for volunteers 5 000 euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Feedback and mentoring, International network.



Idea created on May 22, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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