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Academy for meaningful living | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Academy for meaningful living

Academy is a comprehensive series of practical workshops for a group of young people leaving institutional education and young people with a lack of opportunities in the Žilina region


Who is behind this?

Katarina Ozger

Development Agency of the Žilina Self-governing region



Idea pitch

The aim of the project is to provide systematic counselling and increase the human capital of 20 young people, increase competencies of them in order to be successful in their social and working life, strengthen their position in society, build their resilience and equip them with life skills to cope with the changing world, support and equip them with the necessary resources to become active citizens.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place in Zilina region.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Today, the rise of various forms of extremism is spreading throughout Europe and beyond. Young people, in particular, are increasingly exposed to the influence of disinformation campaigns, which are successfully shared through social networks. Last year's parliamentary elections in Slovakia also showed how simply right-wing extremists achieve their goals by unilaterally manipulating young people's opinions. The Academy also aims to solve the passivity of young people and no interest in public affairs in general.

Who are you doing it for?

The first target group is youth - 16 to 25 years old, who in 2019 left institutional care from the Centers for Children and Family in the Žilina self-governing region (Center for Children and Families Ružomberok, Center for Children and Families Istebné, Center Return Žilina, Center for Children and families Púchov, Center for Children and Families Bytča) or plan to leave institutional care in 2020. The project will include 10 participants from this target group. 
The second target group will be young people aged 18 to 29, who live in their biological families and fall into the NEET category. The project will include 10 participants from the NEET group from categories of young people with fewer opportunities due to economic, social, geographical barriers or cultural differences.

How do you plan to get there?

Except workshops, mentorship will be implemented, continuously throughout the project, telephone, personal, online contact between mentors and participants will be provided, we assume that friendships  will continue after the end of the project, mentoring will provide participants with professional and emotional support, on the other hand for mentors is a volunteer opportunity on a meaningful project

What are the expected results?

20 young people will be more active in their community, willing to take responsibility for their own future, will have stabile friendships with other young people. Participants will know how to solve practical tasks as writing a cv, applying for a job but also will know why it is important to think critically and why it is crucial to participate in public affairs.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Workshops and lectures will cover the following topics:
1. labour law literacy
3.political participation (lecture/workshop on the importance of expressing one's opinion at the right time and in the right place, mobilizing for civic responsibility, activating young people to vote and take an interest in public affairs)
4.critical thinking (in order to develop the ability to assess new information, to examine it critically from several perspectives, to make judgments about its credibility and value, to assess the significance of new ideas, information for their own needs.
5.dangers of political extremism to strengthen the resilience of communities and individuals to undemocratic ideologies and extremism, to raise awareness of the manifestations and social seriousness.

Why is this idea important to you?

As a section for the youth of the Development Agency, we work with young people for many years and we feel strong need to decrease discrepancies between young people from standard families and young people endangered by social exclusion.

€ 10000,-

Total budget

€ 10000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

travel and accommodation 4000 €
personal costs for lecturers 2000€
public relations 1000€
food expenses for participants and lecturers 1500€
gifts for mentors 1000€
office costs 500€


Developmental agency Žilina

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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