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A network for equity and environment | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

A network for equity and environment

Networking for a work and a cultrue of equity and environmental sustainability


Who is behind this?

Damiano Sanna

Associazione Culturale Ainoke


Who is joining forces?

Semene Cultural Association


Agriturismo S'Ispiga di Cuglieri


Cooperative Mulinu


Comitato per la Biodiversità Sas Radighinas Nuoro (Biodiversity Committee Sas Radighinas, Nuoro, Sardinia) Associazione Anima Libera (Sassari, Sardinia)


Idea pitch

Aim 1: promote knowledge about the link between production/consumption models and climate change, the conservation of the biodiversity, of history and culture of our region,
TARGET : farmers, shepherds and breeders, today marginalised by conventional policies and by aneconomic system
Aims 2: promote the alliance consumers-schools to highlight the key role for the change of social, cultural and economic paradigm that serves to cope with climate emrgencies.
TARGET: students and teachers

Where will your project idea take place?

Bosa, Magomadas, Oristano, Norbello, Nuoro ( Sardinia, Italy)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We want to promote awareness about the link between production/consumption models focusing on agroecology as an alternative paradigm that puts back at the centre important figures in the conservation of the biodiversity of history and culture of our region, such as farmers, shepherds and breeders, today marginalised by conventional policies and by an economic system that cuts them off.
Furthermore, the project aims to promote the alliance with consumers, universities and schools to highlight the key role for the change of social, cultural and economic paradigm
that serves to cope with climate emergencies.

Who are you doing it for?

The idea is important for students and teachers as it will allow them to open new possibilities of access to knowledge of tradition and innovation, to university students because it will allow them to connect with other European realities; to ecological and food system activists because it will give them tools to build a connective platform and tools
of political pressure; to agricultural producers and their organizations because it will allow them to realise a favorable environment to enhancing their role in consumption of fresh, unprocessed km0 products and sustainable products; to the citizenship and consumers as it encourages awareness and a reduction in the use of plastics and non-recyclable materials, as well as greater access to healthier diets based on local products

How do you plan to get there?

Self-mapping and testimony of the local short chains of food supply (farming, pastoral and fishing activities) of Sardinia
Seminars and world-cafès on agriculture, environment and food
Units of Learning on agroecology and climatic change
Training and tutoring on participatory methodologies
Workshops for students of high schools on active participation and food systems
Participatory definition of objectives and social communication for disclosure on agroecology
Web and social campaign
Assembly of territorial food
Information and laboratory activities on the transformation of local products
Organizational and economic support to the Ethical Purchasing Groups around Bosa and Oristano
Informative and formative seminars for Urban Gardens

What are the expected results?

Improve the knowledge and the awareness of citizens, administrators and decision makers
of the dynamics within the food supply chains and activate support for good territorial agro-ecological practices and good territorial practices. We hope to envolve from 10 to 20 teachers and many schools (at least 10, possibly 20) of Sardinia but also groups of citizens (at least 200) and operators of the agricultural sector (at least 20)

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The strategy is based on three results: education, awareness, and active involvement. The education activities take place in a formal context, with activities for students and teachers, interfaculty and multidisciplinary seminars, and in an informal context.
The beneficiaries will become multipliers, elaborating messages that will address the
actors of the education and food systems and local authorities.
Specific communication on events is accompanied by web/social campaigns, multimedia production and events addressing a wider audience, proposes the creation of participatory paths, aimed at raising awareness and encouraging citizens to take action

Why is this idea important to you?

Our Association aims to promote in Sardinia a network of producers and operators working according to criteria of quality, sustainability and social equity.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Map and testimony (videos and articles) of the local short chains of food supply of Sardinia: 9000
Informative and formative seminars for Urban Gardens: 2000
Event promotion activities: 6000
Management of a dedicated online forum: 8000
Publication and testimony of the results: 10000
Reimbursement of expenses and contributions for teachers or tutors: 5000
Support activities (forum) for Solidarity Purchasing Groups: 10000



Fabio Parascandolo


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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