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Community development, Social inclusion


A place where is possible rebuild the sociality of the territory and promote the reconstruction of community.


Who is behind this?

Claudio Cingolani

Associazione Iononcrollo


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Camerino


University of Camerino



Idea pitch

Create a new beating heart of sociality, indispensable for restoring the fabric of Camerino’s civic and social life
Construction of two buildings, 150sqm each, which aims to create meeting spaces for the Associations of the territory and create a community space for the people who are leaving in the new SAE (emergency building)
Beneficiaries: habitants of the SAE area, around 300 families, more than 20 Associations, school and university students, around 3000 and all leaving in the territory

Where will your project idea take place?

Camerino, Marche Region in Central part of Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The people want be part of the reconstruction strategy and want to cooperate to the social reconstruction of the territory. In Camerino there are a lot of association that worked for social and cultural event, but the lack of space where meet each other and create cooperation is sapping the energy of the exhausted people that are any way leaving in their own difficulties.
The aim of creating new spaces for people and associations will offer in future spaces for rebuilding cooperation, giving them new energy to promote, investigate new opportunities and give them awareness to be able to contribute for the reconstruction and shows the new generation that a future in this area is possible and hopeful.

Who are you doing it for?

The new structure will be built in the central part of the new SAE are. This will be the new reference point for more then 300 families that are leaving in this emergency house, having a double difficulty. They lost them own house and they are leaving in a new area with no services.
Mainly all associations of Camerino lost their own reference structure, and they have no space to restart their activities to create sportive and cultural event and educational opportunities.
Students have not more community place for afterschool for studying and recreation.
Community of the city have no more a small auditorium for meetings, conferences, small exhibition, cinema, theatre.

How do you plan to get there?

The project is started in september 2020 with the building of substructure and we plan to start the building witin this summer.
the buildings will be in wood, anti-seismic, eco-sustainable and technologically advanced in acoustics, light savings, water recovery.
We have planned to insert solar panels to engine a parking with a charger for electric veicoles.
End of construction is planned for september.

What are the expected results?

At the end of this project finally the community will have back a space for sociality. We image this place full of peaple, yunger and not, planning the future of the city and the territory.
The absence of place to be toghether has slowly brought the people to don't beileve in their future in this land, loosing energy to spend for the community.
The people have become more and more individualistic, and thanks to this new place we beileve that we can reverse the course, giving new impulse to this frustated community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

After a terrible event like the Earthquake, and when a city is destroied by this event, usually the citizenship is called to partecipate in the re-construction process. But the absence of meeting places and the slowly demotivation of peaople has left every decision in the hands of the mayor and the municipality.
Restart to be toghether, meet and discuss will give to citizen a new awareness to be important for the future choices.

Why is this idea important to you?

Project Team
Claudio Enrico Cingolani: cheaf engineer in an international company that produce coffee machines with 20y. of experience
Giovanni Biondi: economist, cunsultant for a local bank with more then 30y. of experience
Riccardo Pennesi: phd at Camerino University in biology and consultant of Camerino Municipality
Stefania Scuri: Professor at Camerino University in hygiene and public health
Giuseppe di Paola: professional video maker and light artist
Erika Gatti: construction engineer, involved in the reconstruction, cheef engineer of this project
Marco Belardinelli: economist specilized in internazionalization
Marta Marucci: social worker in the entire territory pf earthquacke
The idea of the project born after the Earthquake during the volonteer experience with Iononcrollo

€ 405000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Foundations: 90000
Structures: 180000
Finishes: 50000
Installations: 65000
exthernal finishes: 20000

All the engineers costs are donate by project engineers

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any ideas to improve the unity of our community, and how create other events and moments of conviviality. How to improvo cooperation between association and maintain a unic objective smoothing the personalism of each component of the project.



Idea created on April 10, 2021

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