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"A HOME FOR MEMORIES" | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Education and research


Support museum activities and educational projects about resettlement.


Who is behind this?

Marta Wardach

Association For Integration and Social Development " Bunch"


Who is joining forces?

Provincial Psychiatric Hospital in Złotoryja


County Family Assistance Center


Historical Museum in Lubin


Informations about our other partners can be found on the website. We are constantly signing partnership cooperation agreements with various institutions from the region.


Idea pitch

A person's family home will always be in their heart. Many living in our area were repatriated. We are their children and grandchildren. We return to their former homes to learn about their life. How they grew up and what they lost. We will create a museum that will show their past, and how they were forced to resettle. We will also show this reality that is happening all around the world today. We will approach this phenomenon from the local to the global dimension. We have already prepared exh

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The main tasks are to connect the generations. Looking for analogies from the past in the present day. Building openness to the difficult fate of people affected by a crisis in life. Building bridges between the past and present times. Developing openness to otherness in people. Shaping tolerance for dissimilarity. Developing compassion and empathy in young people. Developing a partnership between national minorities and the inhabitants of the region. Developing a willingness to listen to your story. Developing social cohesion in children and young people by building a sense of origin in them and what they contribute to the development of the region with their culture. We want the project to contribute to the creation of an intercultural center in our local environment, shaping the opennes

Who are you doing it for?

- inhabitants of Lower Silesia, where at present there are about 10,000 Lukowian (Ukrainian partner village) and their descendants. The recipients of this task will be, in particular, the descendants of Łuków residents who settled over 30 villages in Lower Silesia and Pomerania in twelve they constituted the majority of the inhabitants. In total, about 5,000 people moved to the Western Territories with the refugees taking refuge in Łukowce.
-the recipients of the project will also be children and youth living in Lower Silesia
- national minorities Lower Silesia

How do you plan to get there?

We will start from:
-Adaptation of the building for the exhibition
-Preparation and equipment of individual exhibition rooms for operation. Maintenance of new exhibits located in Lubin
-Transport of exhibits from warehouses. Arrangement of individual exhibition rooms
-Installing audiovisual equipment
-Preparation of information bulletins about the exhibitions
-Preparation and placing information on the task completion on the website
-Consultations on the history of migration and their displacement history, their impact on the shaping of local political thought, economy and social development.Developing the exhibition script. The activity will consist in creating a clear substantive concept of the exhibition. People who prepare the scenario will develop all general objectives and specific tasks taking into account the subject and scope of the exhibition. Moreover, paying attention to the technical conditions, they will develop the exhibition layout.
-Preparation of the exhibition arrangement project. The activity will consist in creating an attractive and transparent visualization of the created exhibition. As part of this activity, the contractor will create a graphic design of the arrangement and prepare a list of things needed for its implementation.
-Adaptation of the building to the needs of the disabled
Preparation and equipment of individual exhibition rooms.

What are the expected results?

- establishment of a museum
- there will be comprehensive exhibitions about displacements in the past and present
- knowledge of the history and culture of ancestors will develop,
- understanding between generations will increase
- the tolerance for dissimilarity in the local community will increase
- awareness of the problem of resettlement among local youth will increase
- a series of workshops and trainings will be created
- the foundations for the center of intercultural understanding will be laid
- there will be more grassroots initiatives relating to national minorities
-we will create a space for expression for marginalized groups
-we will organize cultural and historical events involving different generations

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea concerns important aspects of a human being: origin, culture, identity, belonging. We hope that by engaging various groups of people we will move their awareness. Thanks to this, we will create a chain of pro-social behavior. Good initiatives trigger people's willingness to act for the development of the local social structure. The essence of these activities is to look for common points of reference despite the differences.We have the support of many social authorities, which is important in promoting ideas.

Why is this idea important to you?

Main group : Marta Wardach, psychologist, psychotherapist, journalist - president of the Association for Social Integration and Development"Grono" Lubin()
Prof. Dr hab. Stanisław Dąbrowski, University of Applied Sciences in Legnica - consultant on historical matters.
Franciszek Burdzy, lawyer, author of Notebooks abou History of displacedf.
Jadwiga Wardach, Zbigniew Szarmach journalists, owners of the newspaper of our region.
Dr. Franciszek Hawrysz, teacher,consultant.
Prof. dr hab. Eng. Stanisław Krawiec, Wrocław University of Technology.
All these people are descendants of the displaced. From the very beginning, I have been participating in all events related to the implementation of the museum in our region.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

22000- Preparation of the exhibition
7000 - Media/ Public Relations
2000-Office expense
3000- personnel costs
1000- Exhibition opening

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We want to know if the way of presenting our idea was clear and understood? (beyond the quality of English :-)



Idea created on April 24, 2021

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