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A fairer world through the theater. | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities

A fairer world through the theater.

Program to develop Global Citizenship Education in schools and university, sharing ideas through theater plays.


Who is behind this?

Rita San Romualdo Velasco

Asociación para la cooperación y el desarrollo amigos de Futuro Vivo


Who is joining forces?

Cooperation Area in Valladolid University (Spain)


The project started in primary schools thanks to Segovian institutions and we decided to extend it to University to train future teachers, so that they can experience the theater educational potential


Idea pitch

The main objective is to transmit to Segovian society, through theater, the importance of contributing together to the construction of a fairer society. The project tries to involve all the society through the direct participation in the theatre play or as spectators, as all the school community (students, families and teachers) regularly attends theatrical performances and receive information on the topics covered in the works, such as fair trade, gender equality, development education, ...

Where will your project idea take place?

Segovia rural areas, in a little province in the center of Spain will be the place for the project.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The region on which this idea is focused faces 2 challenges: depopulation and the high diversity of cultures in education.The theater helps overcome these challenges as a perfect way to work this kind of content with students in a different way, "playing" to know the world, to change what we do not like being active citizens and committing to get a better future.Steps: 1) Knowledge of the contents linked to education for citizenship through theatrical games.2) Elaboration of a play that reaches the spectators and makes them believe that a better world is possible.This idea is especially valuable in rural contexts with small populations that do not have access to proposals like these ones. In short, the project helps us convince society that the world can be changed if we all work together.

Who are you doing it for?

Our aim is to spread Global Citizenship Education to small places and rural areas, where there are fewer options to receive training in this area. The plays address issues related to it, and this theater project is also a process that tries to involve families through the connection with the school in a continuous way. Throughout the course, there are weekly activities, in the form of individual commitments linked to working for a better world from the local level, which the students try to fulfill outside the classroom, allowing the project to have a transversal dimension. The challenge is that the commitments are direcly created by students and they can try to involve their families and friends participate in them.

How do you plan to get there?

-Weekly training sessions. One hour a week the theater play is specifically worked in the classroom. It starts with making students aware of the world in which they live through theatrical games, that try to develop positive group dynamics that are useful for their behaviour in the classroom.
-Preparation of a play with content related to Development Education. In the play, gathering the ideas of the participants themselves, they address and offer answers to issues related to equality, fair trade, the fight against poverty, ... It is possible, through the theater, for the participants to put themselves in the skin of other people, who live different experiences that help them understand that we live in an unequal world and that we can all contribute our grain of sand for change.

What are the expected results?

If our idea is selected the results will show that thanks to this proposal the students of rural schools will acquire a global conscience and will act in a civic way promoting a democratic coexistence at a local, regional and global level. Thanks to this project, not only the students, but also the whole community (parents, families, teachers) will be aware of the project and it will improve the coexistence in the rural areas. In this sense, the local community will be empowered by understanding that we must all act to live together in a just, democratic and sustainable society.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The potential of using theatre as an educational tool goes beyond the classroom, from being a proposal initially aimed at students, to filtering through the entire educational community, which participates in the positive message that world can be changed with the collaboration of all. Participation involves the whole community, especially in the performances.In these events, the participants share their work with other centres and the whole community takes part: teachers, families, students, etc., making theatre an activity with a marked social character that makes it a very valuable tool for participation , since it is carried out at different educational levels. Therefore, this idea contributes to the formation of an active and democratic citizenship by involving the whole community.

Why is this idea important to you?

This idea is very important for us, as our association is focused on promoting cooperation and development, and it is important to train citizens for this purpose. We believe that working in development cooperation must begin by taking actions at the local level that contribute to change things in our context. We approach this training from the perspective of Global Citizenship Education with the intention of forming active, critical and supportive citizens. In this line, we have been promoting theatre as a resource to form democratic citizens in a successful way collaborating with the university and the city council. In addition, the idea supposes a contribution to rural community being our mission to improve the cohabitation in these areas in which a multitude of cultures coexist.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 40000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

-Personal Expenses:36.000(Professional Team that Works in the schools. 900 x 40 schools-it includes weekly sessions, preparation of the play, adapted scripts from participant ideas, local representations and participation in the Theater Contest) -Theater Contest:5000 (organization, catering –fair trade products) -School trips by bus for the contest:3000 -Semanal displacement to schools:2500 -Publicity(media/website, communication):1000 -Dissemination(publication of theater plays, videos...):2500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive feedback and suggestions about our proposal or any idea that could improve it. We are willing answer any questions about the project.




roberto monjas

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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