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A Dream to start again | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

A Dream to start again


Who is behind this?

Angeletti Ennio




Idea pitch

Liberituttionline has a structure in renovation, near Castel Gandolfo, tended to became a safe place to community. We want to promote assistance, from health to legal, economic and social issues. We therefore want to create a social refectory trying to respond to everyone's needs, following the individual traditions and cultures (vegetarians, Muslims, Jews, etc.). The service will be followed by qualified and voluntaries. There will be a social center to who is suffering.

Where will your project idea take place?

Castel Gandolfo, Fiano Romano, Capena, Castelnuovo di Porto, Civitella San Paolo (Lazio Italy)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In our cities there are a lot of poor people, invisible ones that Liberituttionline wants tot help from the origin of his history, born in 2007, in fact has the aim of "giving dignity to those who are not seen". It is a non-profit charitable structure which aims to develop, promote and implement social solidarity projects. It's linked to the SiFead Program and every year see many families to fall in poverty.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is dedicated to the absolute poor: at least 4% of the Roman population, equal to "over 100 thousand individuals out of a total population of over 2.7 million inhabitants". A growing unease intercepted also by the listening centers in Lazio, to which in 2010 more than 9 thousand people turned to ask for help: especially women and foreigners, with an age ranging from 26 to 55 years, married in half of the cases. Concrete individuals and families who seek help from the community to cope with economic, isolation and integration difficulties.

How do you plan to get there?

Working hard! It's our leitmotiv! Collaboration with local schools, social workers, volunteers and other professionals in the area is the only way to bring it on our projects.
The project will be implemented in two stages. During the first stage the we will try to finish the local as soon as possible, then our services will be starting. We want to realize also a conference for the result or at works finished or in the end of project.

What are the expected results?

A Dream to Starting want to promote some important changes in the mind of all beneficiary Young and adults people and in general of the Citizenry and social actors, about the Social Diversity and Civic Cohesion.
All this should result in new raising-awareness of the whole local Communities to help everyone, depite the differences. The other results are the creation a new point where help people, giving meats, clothes and assistance (legal, sanitary). It will be a virtuous circle exprerienced in a center to create, in a future, work for youngers and a safe place for indigent and a family.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

the idea is establish a safe place where each person can ask help in totally safeness and privacy, followed by expert people like lawyers, psychologists and other figures.

Why is this idea important to you?

I am the Founder of "LIBERATUTTIONLINE" an Association born in 2007, and working honestly at least it was recognized by the Lazio Region, the III Social sector and CESV.
It is a TRUE non-profit charitable structure, which has been granted the right to receive food support from AGEA in the Program Sifead. Like a President Ennio Angeletti, a grandfather, after living for years around the world, working as a Chef, since 2007 i have chosen the path of volunteering, investing personally all my resources, first of all, the esteem earned in his life, his economies, his time, his empathy with others. I want leave something great for the future and the people.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project Management - 1000 Euro
Project Communication (ADV social network, printed materials like brochure, graphic design)- 5000 euro
Digital expences- 3000 euro
Personnel – 22000 EUR
Realization of the Structure - 19 000 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We believe in out project, from 2008 we are motivated and passionate. Our Know-how is limited to cooking, social project and maybe we missed something. If you have any advice how to upgrade it and improve it, We are ready to listen all around us.



Idea created on May 21, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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