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A breath of fresh | Civic Europe
Health, Social inclusion

A breath of fresh

Prevention of childhood diseases related to emergency nutrition, reducing food waste


Who is behind this?

Tiziana Cristiano

L'isola che c'è ONLUS


Who is joining forces?

Custodes Aurorae


8th Municipality of Rome


The Parish Our Lady of Lourdes



Idea pitch

The creation of a territorial network to face urgent assistance needs in a widespread and ready manner. We relevated a specific problem related to social impoverishment and nutrition in children. The data collected in the last 9years have highlighted a series of critical issues related to a diet based mainly on the use of products included in dry food packs. We will offeset the lack of fresh foods has generated in childen using the unsell food in the local freshmarket

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The major goal of the project is to create a social web to improve the health of the children of poor local families, visited by the Custodes’s doctors. Improve the percentage of boys and girls with problems related to dental caries, inflammation of the gum and oral apparatus. Improve physical performance related to height growth, reaching the average packaging based on the ethnic group. The second goal, is to create a collective social awareness, connected to the importance of nutrition. Not only as personal health terms but also as a social economic benefit. The reduction of waste is in itself a shared value that must not only be taught, but witnessed through concrete examples of recovery and redistribution

Who are you doing it for?

The direct beneficiaries are of all the approximately 250 families with 700 minors followed by the medical office of Custodes, to whom the packages of the dry food are now delivered, and who have a lack of fresh food. To these numbers we are going to add the families (2000 people) reported by the offices of social workers, and those who, in the last 13 months, have requested the food package. The direct beneficiaries are therefore 2700 people in a of difficult socio-economic situation in 8th Municipality. As direct beneficiaries we can also indicate the operators of the food industry who can donate their surpluses to people in difficulty. Finally, the environment surrounding the freshmarkets that will directly benefit from it, with the reduction of surpluses thrown into bins

How do you plan to get there?

The project involves the collection of food surplus in local fresh markets to create packages to be delivered to target families with dependent children. The aim is to improve the health of children and reduce food waste. The first action is the collection of medical data related to the health of the target kids, which will be evaluated by doctors throughout the project cycle. The project provides training for volunteers who will pack the food box and a recognition of a qualification for the management of food. A second phase involves the creation of a territorial network to help families in difficulty, for a good manage of the kid’s nutrition. Through the EDULARP laboratories for citizen, we will work for the creation of a network based on the real understanding of other needs, and on the relationship. We belive that a strong community is based on empathy and problem-sharing. The administration will actively collaborate in the involvement of citizens through targeted social campaigns. The target families were identified among those reported by the public administration and among the patients of the free social clinic. Self aid group will be conduct create, after the EDULARP laboratories, to achieve a stable post-project lifecycle reference, and an active involvement of target groups and citizens in actions for their own well-being.

What are the expected results?

The first expected result is an improvement in the health conditions of the target minors. Improvement measured in terms of height growth, weight reduction (or increase in rickets), and number of dental surgeries, with a generic but calibrated packs that are actually useful for a balanced diet. The second, compared to food waste, is a reduction of at least 5% of wet waste in the local markets. This would have a positive effect on garbage collection, on the hygiene of the surrounding area and on food waste in general. The third is a raising awareness of effective actions and possible personal ones, and participation of citizens in a conscious way in self aid actions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Citizens will be involved in the project in 2 aspects. The first is in a relational and emozional way. The lack of cohesion in a community arises mainly from the unwillingness to see and understand needs other than their own. The Edularp laboratory has as its objective and methodology to put people in a position to live for a short period of time the clothes of others. In this way it will be easier to develop that empathy necessary for a participating commitment. Finally, sharing the point of view will provide visions of different solutions, which will contribute to the creation of a platform of proposals that starts from the bottom. The second way, is the involment in a active role, after a training by doctors, in the selfaid group. They will be ambassador of the good nutrition for kids

Why is this idea important to you?

The association L’isola che c’è is composed by educators, and psicologist, who work in the territory from a long time, with children and the elderly people. Experts of relational activities, will give their professionalism for the realization of Edularp laboratories, to kick off the self aid groups, and for the coordination of the project. The association Custodes Aurorae is composed of doctors, and accountants who will put in the project their specific skills for the collection of medical data, and management of participants by the law. The local churches, are the partner who will give spaces and room necessary to realize the activities. Finally the 8th Municipality of Rome, that with its political value, will provide administrative coverage and necessary authorizations

€ 33000,-

Total budget

€ 33000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff costs 23000 EUR
Communication and dissemination 2000 EUR
Headquarter costs 1000 EUR
Materials and equipments (musk, plastic container, COVID equipment, shopper, ecc.) 7000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Suggestions on the logistic management and proposal of possible technical partners in order to increase the impact on the territory and to widen the audience of the beneficiaries and the operating territoriality of the plan



Idea created on April 22, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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