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4Respect | Civic Europe


Promote respect and counter hostile communication to prevent extremism and radicalization


Who is behind this?

Gyorgy Tatar

Foundation for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities


Who is joining forces?

Foundation of Subjective Values


Idea pitch

Through comprehensive approach the project intends to prevent further division and polarization as well as escalation of tensions within the community. It will establish a multi-agent platform for sustainable dialogue and develop capacities to damp hostile communication. In doing so, special attention will be paid to resistance of youth to risks of hostilities and radicalization.

Where will your project idea take place?

The name of the city is Gödöllő. A city in county Pest, located about 30 km from Budapest.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The current trends in the community lead to hostilities, deterioration of human relationships, ignorance of the views of each other. Attitude of intolerance and disrespect prevails, impedes dialogue and reasonable discussions.
The situation is increasingly emotionalized. The relations are particularly hostile between political actors that poison the atmosphere of interactions within the entire population. It hinders both the political and civic actors of the community to find long-term solutions for daily problems particularly those relating to identity. That is a fertile soil for far-right and populist actors to gain space.
The challenges are amplified by the increase of internet and social media channels used particularly by youth.

Who are you doing it for?

The activities will target first line practitioners and students as well as vulnerable groups who will be mobilized to participate in the series of roundtables/multi-agency platform and will be subjects of the capacity building activities.
Adoption of a Manifesto on Non-Hostile Communication by politicians will provide a generous atmosphere for daily activities and promote interactions within the community.
The roundtables will convene about 10-12 participants coming from various sectors of the community. The number of educators for the trainings will be about 15 per occasion. The awareness raising of students might involve altogether about 100 persons. At the same time, the impact of these activities may prove much wider, as it could considerably influence the public discourse.

How do you plan to get there?

The project will undertake:
- advocacy among local politicians for accepting a manifesto aimed at mutual respect of values and non-hostile communication (4 occasions/2 hours).
- multi-agency dialogue to respect diverse views and address issues implying prejudice and discrimination, establishment of a multi-agency platform (6 occasions on the spot/0.5-1.0 day according to local needs).
- improving capacities and skills of educators to raise awareness of respect and handle online harassment among students (4 occasions/half day).
- developing capacities of students to respect diversity and resist online challenges (4 occasions/2 hours).
- organization of one community event to disseminate the products of the project, and exchange views on the experience gained.

What are the expected results?

Improvement of non-hostile communication and better understanding between politicians through acceptance of a joint Manifesto on Non-Hostile Communication which will contribute to reducing incidents related to polarization and divide within the community;
Establishment of a multi-agency platform together with an online forum to build trust, enhance synergies and contribute to set up an effective communication mechanism between various actors;
Improvement of capacities of educators in digital literacy skills;
Raised awareness of students of possibilities for countering online harassments and hostile narratives.
Altogether the project will promote a non-hostile atmosphere within the population and provide models for cooperation prior to the parliamentary elections in the spring of 2022.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

All activities of the project are aimed at building up capacities of dialogue and non-hostile communication as well as a multi-actor collaboration framework. The actions will promote respect for the views and values of each other, diversity, inclusion and development of dialogue mode within the community.
The project activities will include a broad range of actors and relate to the youth. Activities will aim to
- damp hostile communication between politicians,
- build up a multi-sector framework, an online platform and some networks for addressing issues threatening with increase of enmities, radicalization and extremism,
- improve the capacities of educators in handling discrimination and prejudice among students
- improve capacities of students to resist online challenges.

Why is this idea important to you?

One of the main missions of our organization is building up capacities and capabilities at regional, governmental and local levels in preventing conflicts, radicalization and developing dialogue processes.
The trends in the current political situation in Hungary show toward hostilities and confrontation. Communication at all levels is increasingly hostile. The young generation sees this environment as a model for future society and collaboration. Under these conditions, it is a moral obligation to do our own bits to counter negative trends and phenomena and build up the nucleus of other models.

€ 48700,-

Total budget

€ 48700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff costs 23400 EUR
Advocacy activities / organization of meetings (travel, catering, room rental, equipments and supplies, expert fees, mentoring ): 6700 EUR
Multi-agency dialogue, a series of roundtables/workshops (travel, catering, room rental, equipments and supplies, expert fees, mentoring): 7800 EUR
Training for educators and students (travel, catering, equipments and supplies, trainer fees and mentoring) 6800 EUR
Community event: 3000 EUR
Communication, other costs: 1000 EUR



Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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