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Work and social inclusion paths | Civic Europe
Education and research, Social inclusion

Work and social inclusion paths

we support young people in a difficult time by orienting them professionally


Who is behind this?

Donato Marchioni Carpe Diem



Idea pitch

Talking about social inclusion in the current context represents a complex challenge; we are living in a critical historical phase
of the development of capitalist societies but at the same time the world pandemic has produced impoverishment
spread of the middle class, new and old poverty for the working classes, disintegration of social ties and emptying
every form of sociality, pulverization of social relations, loss of reference on the symbolic-cultural level.

Where will your project idea take place?

ITALY - Sora (FR)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The combination of hardship poverty (social exclusion) is characterized by the lack of tools (cultural, social,
relational, health) From these premises, the intervention aimed at supporting job placement develops
through: • Formative and informative activity • Accompaniment, orientation and tutoring activity in search of
work, and the conception and / or development of a business idea, • Other functional services that, in a transversal way,
they promote socialization, a collaborative and community spirit, such as co-working

Who are you doing it for?

Unemployed, families and people in conditions of economic hardship. attention is focused on work integration processes and social, on the methodology of the subject-task-environment combination of work, on mediation tools and of "Negotiation evaluation" that can be acquired to promote i business contexts for the reception of disadvantaged people, in application of a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) concretely evidenced by good inclusive practices.

How do you plan to get there?

The chosen approach to activate a collaborative network in the field of inclusion
is that of co-planning with the subjects of the private social sector, through the
Public meetings where common objectives are defined and ideas are asked e
project proposals with the aim of creating synergies and advancing integrated solutions e
multdisciplinary able to face the new challenges, very complex and articulated. Common objective of the project that are carried out with this planning approach
which concern families and young people in conditions of economic and social fragility respectively

What are the expected results?

the expected result will be able to make the participants realize something with their own strength, by committing themselves
in achieving difficult goals;
2-the desire for tangible results, as concrete feedback e
measurable of having acted in the best way;
3-the ability to sustain rhythms of work, leaving the expectation
fixed-time work days and free weekends;
4-the moderate propensity to risk, setting oneself goals
sufficiently difficult to achieve so as to be stimulating,
without being impossible to achieve;
5-confidence in one's own abilities, in the intimate, positive conviction of
being able to do it even in the face of the most difficult obstacles and challenges;

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through the creation of new opportunities for job placement through information, guidance, training and personalized advice; internships, training experiences in situation, support for active job search through workshops, specific paths for people in conditions or at risk of social exclusion such as activities and construction sites of common utility; the experimental application of the 'social clauses'; corporate social responsibility aimed at possible job placements

Why is this idea important to you?

One of the strengths of the project is the degree of practicality and the immediate feedback of one's actions, but above all the level of cooperation and teamwork that characterize the methodology used. This type of methodology determines a sense of belonging to the work group, it also determines positive repercussions also in addressing the other objectives. The expected impacts will be assessed through constant monitoring during the performance of the various activities in charge. The activities will be a moment of observation of individual skills and the development of social skills. To detect the point of view of all the participants in the development and on the results of the project, customer satisfaction and relative feedback will be used for students and parents.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human resources:
teachers, co-docs, tutors, designers, etc. € 22,000
Attendance allowance for 2 internships € 8,000.00
Public relations € 1000
Project secretariat € 1000
Local rental, 2000
Rent technological support tools 1000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Our aim is to promote a new model of generative social welfare, that is capable of activating the individual resources of people in conditions of fragility while favoring an active role of the city community in sharing resources and in the search for common answers, with a focus on to solidarity

Team Carpe Diem

Idea created on April 22, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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