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Social inclusion, Community development


Diversity enriches, it is the engine of social development and the essence behind democracy. The project promotes a process of large-scale social transformation through people with disabilities.


Who is behind this?

Susana Tébar

Fundación Asindown



Idea pitch

"Distintos" is a short film of social character, which was born from ASINDOWN.
The objective of Distintos Educa is to transform the vision of children from small municipalities, through schools as a nucleus of social participation in rural areas. It is expected that at least 50 schools in rural and sparsely populated areas of the Valencian Community will have an impact.
Nobody is left indifferent, it is a great audiovisual tool that transforms social prejudices.

Where will your project idea take place?

Eastern Spain, in schools in villages of less than 5,000 inhabitants and rural areas of Valencia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Distintos Educa aims to be an educational Plan for Rural Development that encourages citizen participation through innovative initiatives. The aim is to guarantee equal access to culture and education in values between rural and urban schools.
At present, in small rural areas, depopulation and the lack of opportunities to participate in cultural activities means a lack of motivation and a loss of opportunities.
The project is a commitment to help reduce cultural inequality and opportunities, from the school environment, focusing actions towards a positive vision of diversity and people with disabilities.
The rural school, supposes in these zones a nucleus of irradiation of culture and a space of socialization, that is necessary to impel.

Who are you doing it for?

The main objective is the design of universally accessible societies that include people with disabilities as agents of social activation.
To this end, the project's technical team, together with people with disabilities, will be mediating agents in educational centres in rural areas where schools are cultural centres and spaces for socialisation of different agents.
TEACHERS: who must be supported to increase the impact and social transformation.
FAMILIES: as essential agents in the dynamics of change in children.
CHILDREN: as an investment for the consolidation of tolerant future societies.
The development of the local population is an essential tool for the development of societies and the solution of the world's greatest problems.

How do you plan to get there?

The first step will be to contact each school and its municipal management services in order to present them with the proposed generic intervention plan and to be able to specify it to each reality and to each specific area.
To the exchange sessions in the educational centers, other social groups will be invited (old people, groups of immigrants... etc) so that between all of them they can reflect in a different way on the potentialities that exist in the specific zones.
From each session, small objectives will emerge, which will be commitments for local actions, and they will be revised in following training sessions through materials created around the short film (making of, videos with experiences in big cities to replicate them locally...etc).

What are the expected results?

It is expected to reach all rural schools in the Valencian community, replicating the project already developed in urban areas and large cities. The great social challenges emerge from the development of localised areas that sometimes remain on the margins of experiences and the same opportunities that big cities have.
We intend that, with the development of the project, schools will be configured as axes of local development, promoting processes of transformation with the help of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability themselves. The school will be the means to transform the local community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project promotes, through education, community development by highlighting the impact of diversity on the development of societies.
We focus, in the objectives of sustainable development, on ODS 4 "Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all" and ODS 10 "Reducing inequalities between and within countries".
It is necessary to know what people with disabilities are capable of and what diversity brings in order to provide opportunities and to design systems of participation that are equal and accessible to all people.
The Distintos Educa project is a tool for mediation with people with disabilities in order to promote local development.

Why is this idea important to you?

Distintos Educa is a project that has been born from Asindown, from their families and it is the people with disabilities themselves who have developed and are passing on the message.
It is a project that was born from each of the families and people with disabilities of Asindown. We identify with their message, their humour, their natural way of dealing with disability and their way of showing how diversity enriches and transforms those around them. The passion and positive value of disability is evident in each sequence of the short film.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs: 25,000
Cost of travel/travel: 9,000
Cost of the Communication and Dissemination Plan:2,500
Cost of administration and management: 6,000
Training sessions for local agents:7,500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any contribution to the development of our project that provides value, experience, help us to know points of strength and possible weaknesses are welcome! Something essential for the previous development of any project.


Fundación Asindown


Idea created on May 26, 2020

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