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Run for your city, sport & active citizenship | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Run for your city, sport & active citizenship

Through the values of sport, and the discipline of running in particular, to involve young athletes in active citizenship and empowerment activities so to engage a local dialogue with peers/citizens.


Who is behind this?

Marco Pietrogiacomi



Who is joining forces?



Overtime Festival



Idea pitch

Youngest (<35) that are used to practice sport, at any level, accrue values (sacrifice, team working, commitment, rules, solidarity, inclusion), competences and awareness of common good sooner and forever, since they tend to apply the same framework to all the environment they are part of. In some cases, moreover, it expands in a natural ability of leadership in addressing complexity. We'd like to activate a transfer among peers/citizens at local level through sport for more trust and civism.

Where will your project idea take place?

10 selected cities in Italy, among which Rome and Macerata, and 5 cities in Portugal

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Lack of constant participation of youth people in pro-active initiatives within their local community. Low commitment in social and political occasions of confrontation, due to lack of trust in positive concrete changes.

Who are you doing it for?

Youth under 35. The Project will involve young athletes in capacity building and transfer methodology through workshops and online courses; in the afterwards they will choose a target group to lead and involve in active participation for a specific task in their city. They will report to decision makers at local level.

How do you plan to get there?

Step 1 - Selection of participants and Redaction of Guidelines
Step 2 - Classroom composition and online courses: EDULABS
Step 3 - Building up of the project work for each city, involving local actors: WORKSHOPS
Step 4 - Action of sport leaders: ACTION PLAN
Step 5- Monitoring and sustainability: ASSESSMENT
Methodology: The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, also known as the Deming wheel or the Deming cycle, is an iterative method for continual improvement of processes, products, or services and is a key element of lean management.

The extraordinary potential of sport activity and education as a tool for social inclusion has been well documented. The opportunities that the Project aims at ingenerating to support social inclusion of excluded or disadvantaged young people in local communities are more and more exploitable in order to gain a better quality of life for the whole population. Marginalized groups, such as those potentially experiencing radicalisation, are largely excluded from participation in sport programs and events, or from local activities put in place by the society in which they live. This project argue that participation in sport through well educated and trained coaches with specific psychological and social skills could provide beneficial outcomes for participants, and through a process of (re)engagement, develop social capital for local entities.

What are the expected results?

The Project expects to generate leverage effect in local communities, though a mutual exchange: more young people involved in athletics and more people, at local level, planning active citizenship activities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

General awareness of committing and engaging peers to care about its own community should lead for instance to new associations, new activities, new candidates at local levels, new opportunities of practicing sport (running and walking) outdoor in cities though which increasing awareness and love for the place you live in.
Action Plans will receive approval and needed help from the municipal level, in order to facilitating dialogue and acting in a cooperative way.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our team is made up of solid people who also have international experience: from the FIDAL inner point of view and the relationship with the territories to the managerial part for Action Plan to facilitator and expertise in dialogue with municipalities.

The idea comes from daily experience where young people that practice sport are those who cover major responsibilities in society, especially at local leve, both in public and private environments.

We are convinced about the effectiveness of connecting the two sides and of the opportunity of exploring the urban context to experiment civic dialogue. We are also convinced that local community deserve trust and monitoring to collect best practice and build up innovative public policies towards youth.

€ 45000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Action Plans and Workshop 22500
Office and Coordination FIDAL (personnel) 7500
Partner 1 (personnel) 2500
Partner 2 (communication) 2500
Courses 5000
Travel and accommodation 5000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Comments of replicability and assessment



Idea created on April 25, 2021

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