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IOT | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion


Internet on Things


Who is behind this?

Zlatka Georgieva

NGO Unity



Idea pitch

The main goal of the IOT project is to build the capacity of NGOs in the municipalities of Madjarovo, Lyubmets, Svilengrad to meet the challenges related to Kovid-19 by developing guidelines and policies for working in the new normal mode, working in a digital environment, and applying the new approaches to the target groups The idea is for NGOs to continue their active work in a crisis and recovering from it by sharing different points of view online in discussions on topics focused on.

Where will your project idea take place?

Southeastern Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The idea is to encourage and increase the capacity of NGOs in the region so that they have a real chance to activate local communities and various vulnerable groups in an isolated rural municipality.
In a pandemic, people face the challenges of Covid-19 on a daily basis. Everyone's life has changed and it is difficult for many of us to adapt and work effectively in a digital environment.

Who are you doing it for?

The groups affected will be:
- youth leaders
- people with active citizenship
- community centers
- socially excluded groups
- minority groups
- public institutions
- local business
- people at risk of violence (in all its forms)
We plan to work with 5 to 10 people from each target group and these activities will have a significant impact on the social behavior of all residents of the municipality.

How do you plan to get there?

- trainings and consultations for work in Zoom environment, for mastering skills for using the software, for conducting webinars and introduction of online meetings in the work of NGOs, and experimentation with using Zoom in future in activities of NGOs with a view to work will be encouraged. during a crisis;
- organizing and conducting thematic monthly webinars with expert and NGO contribution, shared experience and practices from abroad for work in crisis conditions and dealing with it. Experts introduce the topic with the webinar, participants are given small tasks to implement, the purpose of which is to test and apply what they have learned. A follow-up online meeting provides an opportunity to discuss their experience, with suggestions on how to develop and implement it in the field.
- creating their own online content with the participation of local communities, with which NGOs will promote local culture, traditions and artists through a new channel in the form of visual stories;
- organizing and conducting a final online meeting on the project, where NGO teams will summarize their work in a digital environment on the project, what they have learned and created as a result of joint activities and will present their cultural products / services, and experts will summarize the work on thematic areas will bring out accents with lessons for work during a crisis.

What are the expected results?

Upgraded capacity of 15 NGOs by sharing experiences and practices, creating guidelines for the work of NGO partners of UNITI in the "new normal" mode and in a digital environment;
conducted 3 online trainings and consultations for work in Zoom environment of the chitalishte teams, participants in the project;
prepared and conducted 7 monthly thematic webinars with shared practices from the experience of NGOs and practical tasks, as well as sharing experiences and practices from abroad;
online brochure with results in thematic areas of the webinars;
created 20 visual stories (as a result of sharing and practical tasks) collected in an online collection in a new channel;
final online meeting on the project with NGO teams, experts and representatives of institutions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our concept for activating the civic participation of the communities will be launched in 3 small municipalities. A key factor for the development of the initiative is the participation of citizens in solving local problems and a new opportunity for social engagement. This will lead to a better quality of life in the community, increase the efficiency of institutions and public trust by strengthening local democracy.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our team is composed almost entirely of local experts and specialists from various fields - economics, information technology, law, public relations. We have direct observation of the needs and we know the problems of the people. We have the necessary experience and competence to be useful for solving some problems.

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. project management - 3500 EUR
2. publicity - 2000 EUR
3. training - 8000 EUR
4. organization of public forums - 3000 EUR
5. support for civic initiatives - 11000 EUR
6. office expenses - 500 EUR
7. creation and maintenance of a web platform - 2000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

sharing experiences and skills



Idea created on April 26, 2021

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