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Future with Unlocked Doors | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Future with Unlocked Doors

Survey of public attitudes; Student activity for: civic education, helping people and preserving cultural memory. We work under the motto - we live, learn and act for human rights


Who is behind this?

Stanislava Rasheva

“Blagotvoritel” Foundation


Who is joining forces?

"Sveti Kliment Ohridski" Secondary school


Zverino City Hall


Mezdra Munusipality


Fakel 1926 - Community Center (СС) - Zverino village, Prosveta 1929 СC - Oselna v., N. Yonkov Vaptsarov 1919 СC - Ignatitsa v., Iskar 2007 СС - Zli dol village Hristo Botev 1927 Eliseina v.


Idea pitch

Our goal is to help overcome the social distance of the people in the region. The target group is disadvantaged people and children, lonely elderly people and the Roma ethnic group. We plan "Meetings for Change", that include surveys, interviews, monitoring to understand the needs and problems in the community. Our answer will be information and training activities. The result of the project will remain a sustainable information center with a consulting team for help, support and advocacy.

Where will your project idea take place?

The population of five villages in the region of Mezdra municipality - Northwestern Bulgaria.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The villages in the municipality of Mezdra suffer from depopulation, low awareness and social isolation. The region is dominated by disadvantaged people and children, orphans, people in extreme poverty, elderly people living alone and people from the Roma ethnic group. They all need motivation for a better life, knowledge of their rights and knowledge of the cultural heritage of the community. There is an urgent need for information and education for living a dignified life, as full members of an EU Member State. Residents lack engagement in meaningful social relations, participation in civic activities, and access to official services. We believe that social integration can be developed through "Meetings for Change" and an educational information center.

Who are you doing it for?

1. Disadvantaged people and children. These are groups of people with special educational needs; heavy marital status; survivors of natural disasters, social and personal cataclysms; living below the poverty line for the country.
2. Lonely elderly people, who are majority in the region.
3. People of the Roma ethnic group, who are about 30% of the population in the region.
All of them will take advantage of the opportunities that the project will provide them with: literacy, education, integration, a better standard of living, overcoming the feeling of inferiority.

How do you plan to get there?

We will mainly involve students as the engine of the project. They have a long volunteer experience and certificates of human rights training. The main activities are: "Analysis of the level of awareness and finding the needs of the community" on topics on human rights. Surveys and interviews of people from the region. Through posters and brochures and on social media, we will give possible answers; "Young people train" - The trainings will be on various topics, seminars on health and psychological topics, gender equality, opportunities for access to social services; Production of a video and stage paly; "Living Library" - in the „wooden house of generations“, created by us, books will be presented; "Cultural History" - conducting in-depth interviews with the elder people, etc.

What are the expected results?

The choice of our idea and its realization will lead to a change of attitudes in the community. The people involved in the project will meet, get to know each other and get closer, and this will develop empathy,, cooperation, support, generosity and responsibility. The information club, the community centers, the retirement clubs, the "living library", the open meeting spaces will be recognized as an opportunity to meet a friend. The attention that people of Roma origin and lonely elder people will receive contributes to reducing isolation and feeling of inferiority. Positive changes will influence in the way of thinking and behaving, and hence in the standard of living. Project evaluation is important for us to expand our cause to a higher level.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The core values that sustain the idea of human rights are dignity and equality as pillars of democratic principles in the community. No distinction should be made between people. The values we will put in educational topics are self-respect, respect for others, tolerance, responsibility, empathy. Tolerance of differences, fair treatment and respect for the rights of others are fundamental to a democratic community. Lonely, abandoned and poor people are losing faith and respect in their own worth, and we want to correct that. By providing equal opportunities for expression and active contribution in the community, the civic position of the individual is activated. We will ensure active cooperation with municipal institutions in support of the target groups.

Why is this idea important to you?

The motto of the school in the village of Zverino is "Let's leave a good memory on Earth". Creating an information club would help change the individual's sense of being supported in their need for the community. Our job and aspiration is to actively participate in the change of society and its attitudes towards people with fewer opportunities. We are well aware of the needs and problems of the local population and its way of life and our intervention would be adequate and timely. There are already good practices of volunteering and charity in the community, related to support in the social sphere, ecology, health and youth activities. The people of the region know each other and trust us. We believe that our cause will be crowned with success.

€ 45700,-

Total budget

€ 45700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Events organization 3000
Trains for trainers, experts, lawyers 2300
Office expenses - stationery(for brochures, survey paper, batteries, etc.) 6700
PR and Communication 2600
Printing, distribution, brochures 800
Legal advice, data protection 1900
Transport costs 4600
Staff / project manager, coordinator, etc./5500
Catering, refreshment 3300
Make a movie, photographer 5000
Equipment/ camera, 2 laptops, printer. etc 4200
For publishing a book 2800
Accounting 2000
Unexpected costs 1000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Our opinion is that the application form was difficult and took a long time to complete. We will be happy if you find a way to fill in the parts that can be memorized step by step.Thank you for giving the opportunity to work in rural areas, where there is the greatest need for help and encouragement




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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