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Eco Watchtower | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

Eco Watchtower

natural building workshops and monitoring of environment protection


Who is behind this?

Paweł Fijałkowski



Who is joining forces?

Leopold Svaty, farmer Jesenik

Czech Republic

Leopold Svaty is one of first ecological farmers in Czechia. His speciality is plantation of hemp (cannabis sativa) and social activity: protection of nature.


Idea pitch

Eco Watchtower in Brzozówka will be an example of how to build a house in the countryside (with 35 square metres space) in 95% with natural and local materials such as: clay, straw, wood, stones and limewash.
The building process itself will be the natural building workshop for the participants from Poland, Czechia and Belarus.
At every stage of the building we will invite the participants from European countries willing to take part in the workshops and argument why they need to learn

Where will your project idea take place?

Most of the project will take place in a small village (185 citizens) called Brzozówka, near Łodź

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our region is an easy prey for dishonest companies who want to litter the ground with toxic waste and the local communities do not know how to tackle this problem. How to cooperate with the local authorities to preserve the nature around us.

Who are you doing it for?

We aim our message to people in Poland, Czech and Belarus. People who are concerned about the degradation of nature and gradual food pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, atmosphere pollution. We propose ways of tackling such local attacks on the environment. In our courses, seminars and debates we want to popularize the knowledge about how to defend yourself from the pollution of the Earth, food, etc. and we want to unmask false beliefs on these topics. We do not want to organize demonstrations, but we think that monitoring and controlling of the local authorities, national government and private business is necessary. This is why we will invite to our debates and think tanks ecologists and environmentalists for the panel debates to find some solutions in dialogue.

How do you plan to get there?

We can to provide:
1. Workshops on each level of construction process.
2. Conferences "What's our idea of Eco-watchtower?" in Poland, Czechia and Belarus.
3. Documental film
4. Continue of Eco-watchtower activity as place of debats and think-thanks works.

What are the expected results?

Our project can to improove local answer in front of dangerous practics in environment.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The most valuable benefit of the realised project will be the hosting place, the physical building of Eco Watchtower who will attract nonconformist people of all ages and backgrounds who care about PROTECTING OUR PLANET. Both locally and globally.

Another benefit will be the fact that the Eco Watchtower will be erected in the midst of a live eco village, which is already a very active center for debates, discussions, think tanks and a creative workshops to come up with and work out creative and not anarchy like answers for nature destruction practices.

Why is this idea important to you?

We all together are living on one, small The Earth...

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 25000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Investment costs – 25 000 E (extremely detailed cost estimate for the building itself is already made by the experienced architect)
Organization costs – 10 000 E
Total – 35 000 E

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Feedback is wellcome! We are waiting for similar, mayby better projects.




Idea created on May 26, 2020

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