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Creating a »green« empowered community | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Creating a »green« empowered community

Involving of uninvolved and excluded groups in (in)formal environmental processes based on tailored approaches will empower community to influence the decisions of the local authorities


Who is behind this?

Jasna Sarhatlic

Alpe Adria Green



Idea pitch

Exclusion of individuals and groups from the concept of active (environmental) citizenship at the local level due to
- nonunderstanding of the national language, despite the status of Slovenian citizenship
- environmental legal illiteracy, against which nothing is done
- disability, despite legal capacity status
- school system design
are the reasons for the urgent implementation of the project in order to empower the target groups for a "green" (in)formal dialogue with the authorities.

Where will your project idea take place?

Jesenice, Gorenjska, Slovenia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Environmental legal processes are complex and represent a specific branch of law, so they aren't completely clear to the general public.This is also due to the lack of environmental legislation and education on active citizenship in the school system (except law universities); although we know that the foundations of citizens' knowledge and behavior begin in schools.
A good part of the elderly local population, despite Slovenian citizenship, comes from the south; former Yugoslavia and don't speak Slovene, which is the reason for low local participation.
If The Social Work Centre Jesenice-the main public institution for rights of disabled, doesn’t provide adequate accessibility (no ramp, no elevator), then it's logical, that in other spheres they are a forgotten group of citizens.

Who are you doing it for?

- people who are excluded from environmental politic decisons because lackness of their knowledge in the field of local active citizenship–youth, eldery
- people who are not aware of their environmental rights provided by legislation because of language barrier–youth, eldery
- people living in polluted areas and areas with excessive interference with the environment– directly affected people
- people who are excluded from locall environmental dialogues because they are not given adequate (physical, technicial) access–disabled people with legal capacity
- people who are interested in co-creating better environmental politics by notifying us of specific environmental matters in their environment and about the occurrence of other irregularities - interested general public

How do you plan to get there?

I.activity the PREPARATION,tailored to all the needs of the main target groups will include
-education-objective:legal literacy and awareness of the protection of rights in the field of environmental protection,to encourage greater involvement in the co-creation of environmental policies
-awareness-raising-objective:to acquaint locals with the state of the environment in which they live-the stench from the dump,excessive chlorination of drinking water,inadequate wastewater treatment,wild local dumps,etc. and to give locals the opportunity to point out the specific environmental problems they face-identification
-presentation of our AAG in the environmental protection system-objective:establishment of a regional environmental center for environmental assistance, strengthening of civilian control.The preparation will be organized separately for each of the main target groups;in the form of science days for the local school population,a local goulash party for the elderly,customized workshops for locals with langugage barrier and for vulnerable groups-disabled
II. activity SURVEYING and DATA COLLECTION-aim-obtaining local voices,focus on vulnerable groups-elderly,disabled III. activity INFORMING PUBLIC through communication channels and MEDIA CAMPAIGN.IV.activity CONFRONTATIONS, NEGOTIATIONS of all project participants-round tables,public debate,agreements

What are the expected results?

Greater activity of the locals in the formulation of environmental policies brings
- for the locals-greater satisfaction,higher quality of life in their environment, supplementation of control exercised by overburdened public bodies
- for authorities-adopting better,more thoughtful solutions,due to direct feedback-more legal decisions, time and financial savings, because of resolving conflicts at an early stage-dialogue,promoting trust in the public authorities
- for industry-a shift in several production processes in products
- for the participation model-improvement in its development
- for the non governmental organization-strengthening the role in relationships with individuals,country,greater power in influencing the authorities,full operation of the regional environmental center

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Complex environmental legislation and possibilities of environmental (in)formal participation (in the adoption of environmental regulations,in administrative procedures as an intervenient,inspection procedures, citizens' assembly, letter to the mayor, initiatives, petitions,etc.) in the form of trainings (workshops, goulash party, science days) will be presented clearly, simply, adapted (eg in the language of the listener)-empowerment. Target groups will be able to present their specific environmental matters at trainings, confrontations with authorities and through surveys-voice, and AAG will present them legally permissible solutions that can be used in specific environmental cases-but always optional with the help of our NGO, which can take the lead in the proceedings on their behalf.

Why is this idea important to you?

AAG, which was founded 20 years ago, has over 165 fully active members, among whom are various experts from various professional fields. The internal structure of our NGO is divided into three parts
1. Environmental Law Center, which is run by fully employed environmental lawyer Mr. Mlakar
2. Department for Educational and Awareness-Raising Projects, under the leadership of fully employed Mrs. Sarhatlić
3. Department for Eco Patrols, run by our expert and president of AAG-Mr. Bernard.
AAG, which is located in the region where project will be implemented, provides free environmental legal assistance for citizens, civil initiatives, authorities and monitoring with measuring instruments, so we are familiar to environmetal problematic and consequences of the passivity of the population

€ 39210,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

-3 interactive workshops for participants with language barrier=3000 €
-6 science days for 6 local school institutions–basic Eco patrol=5400 €
-1 interactive workshop-goulash party for eldery=2000 €
-3 interactive workshops for participants with disabilities= 3600 €
-3 interactive workshops for interested general public=1950 €
-2 round tables=2000 €
-staff cost=15000 €
-travel expenses=700 €
-public relation cost=2000 €
-indirect cost=3560 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any criticism, opinion, advice and offers for partnership are welcome, because only with common strengths we could be more successful and stronger.



Idea created on April 19, 2021
Last edit on April 22, 2021

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