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Camper Europe | Civic Europe
Community development

Camper Europe

Traveling with a European camper in the most remote towns and villages of southern Italy to meet citizens who see Europe as a distant entity, rather than as a civic and democratic project.


Who is behind this?

carolina popolani




Idea pitch

Since 2018 EuropaNow! carries out the campaign "A European flag at the window". Distributing flags is an opportunity to meet citizens on the streets and make them aware of the values of solidarity and democracy on which Europe is founded. With the "European camper", we intend to leave the big cities to go to the small urban centres of the South where participation in civil and democratic life is lower and mistrust of the European project is higher.

Where will your project idea take place?

Southern Italy, in the regions of Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Molise

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

It is necessary to intervene in order to overturn the perception of distance between the centre and the periphery, to listen to the suffering of citizens on the field and to establish a dialogue, reconnecting social ties, re-founding networks to break the feeling of isolation with a physical presence in the territories. Therefore, the first challenge consists in reaching out to people, that is, subverting the idea that Europe is only administration and bureaucracy, seeking confrontation with those who harbour legitimate doubts, illustrating the originality and historical importance of the European path and then jointly outline the means to strengthen civic participation and demand a more social and democratic Union. Basically: dialoguing, embodying, explaining, reopening a horizon.

Who are you doing it for?

Eurosceptics, especially teenagers and young adults, tomorrow's voters. Precisely in the age in which a political conscience develops, many citizens see civic engagement as something far from their priorities. We want to create networks of citizens capable of claiming their adhesion to the European project, of discussing its limits and carrying on proposals to overcome them. A European civic awareness cannot arise only during the electoral rounds. We need to work on a long term basis to defend the validity of the founding principles of the EU against nationalisms, and meet citizens, organizing networks, together with associations that are already fighting locally for social inclusion, respect for minorities and defence of human rights.

How do you plan to get there?

The project will develop in three phases:
The first one is dedicated to travel preparation and will consist in making contacts with associations and CSOs to identify the most suitable places where to go with the camper and establish a travel schedule. At this stage, the social pages will also be opened and advertising and the preparation of graphics for materials and to decorate the camper will begin. Finally, the flags will be purchased and the paper material, gadgets and equipment necessary to manage the banquet will be prepared.
The second phase will be dedicated to the journey that will last 30 days with 20 stops in as many locations. All the material collected, photos, videos and podcasts, will become part of a social campaign that will proceed in parallel with the camper tour.
At the end of the trip, the third phase will be dedicated to the editing of a video and a podcast that will contain, in addition to the contributions of the people we will meet, also a sort of travel diary. This for us represents an extremely precious testimony.
Finally, it is our ambition to create a fourth phase, the one in which we will continue to be available to citizens and associations that we will have met along our path to deepen, complete and lead common initiatives.

What are the expected results?

Showing that the European project is not just a political and administrative process far from the citizens, but it is fundamentally a path of civic engagement that must be completed, that Europe can and must be embodied with the participation of all.
Creating a network of people and associations that together are ready to fight for improving the building of a community gathered around the founding values of the EU.
Reducing, with constant networking, the gap that too often remains between citizens of urban areas and peripheral territories.
Giving voice, visibility and support to those who consider themselves marginalized by the European process.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

One of the main goals of the project is to create at the local level a network of activists who intend to commit themselves to building a more united, democratic and social Europe. This will also happen thanks to the support of local CSOs. Furthermore, the production of audiovisual content and photos will allow us to activate social channels and keep them active even when we have completed our journey.

Why is this idea important to you?

EuropaNow! was born to counter the resurgence of nationalisms and with the conviction of the urgency to reaffirm a European narrative (the EU is a union of rights created on the ruins of the tragedies of the twentieth century), to embody it with initiatives in the public space, raising awareness and mobilizing thousands of people. Initiatives that among other things have allowed us to win the 2019 Spinelli Prize.
Most of the members of EuropaNow! are journalists or work in the media. This concentration of skills in the field of communication has allowed us to develop with EuropaNow! a great diffusion capacity. Some initiatives have appeared in the major national and some international media (from Italian newspapers, radio and TV to the Guardian, RadioFrance, CNN, …)

€ 43000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

CAMPER - 5,000
EXTRA - 3,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Our project wants to focus mainly on three aspects, direct contact with people, media diffusion and the social campaign. Any suggestion in this regard will be considered an opportunity for grouth.



Eric Jozsef



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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