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Better Together | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Community development

Better Together

Sharing knowledge and skills in the field of culture to impact on territories


Who is behind this?

Luisa Tuttolomondo

Sguardi Urbani


Who is joining forces?


Idea pitch

Better Together aims to empower three youth cultural associations placed in three different rural villages in the inner Sicily through specific workshops and coaching for the realization of their own cultural initiatives. The workshops will be open to 20 young creative professionals interested and will contribute to the creation of a regional network of young professionals, that will allow this target to find new stimulus and to elaborate more effective solutions for their territories so discour

Where will your project idea take place?

In three small towns in the inner part of Sicily (South Italy): Castrofilippo, Grotte, Cammarata.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The smaller cities of the region face a problem of population migration, especially of youngster, due to the lack of job opportunity and a stimulant life style. Many youth cultural associations spread around the island try to contrast this tendency by promoting social inclusion, participation and urban/rural development through art and culture. Unfortunately, they often give up their mission and migrate as well as their peers because of the difficulties they find: poor participative culture (especially in the local administrations), inhabitants’ disinterest towards innovation and mobility difficulties (of people, resources, etc.). Better Together aims to help them pursuing their mission and remaining in Sicily by providing them with relevant training and network activities.

Who are you doing it for?

The main projects beneficiaries are young professionals in the field of art and culture (aged 23-36) and living in Sicily. Many of them studied outside and then came back with the purpose of contributing to improve local deprived contexts of origin through art and cultural activities as a strategy to produce new economies and turn the area to be more attractive. Indirect beneficiaries will be local administrations that will benefit of the new skills gained by youngsters and initiatives carried on. Young professionals will improve their capacity to dialogue with public authorities and this way will foster local development together. Among young professionals involved in the workshops/trainings will be the members of the 3 partner associations. .

How do you plan to get there?

1. Communication of the project values and goals: creation of the visual identity, creation of dedicated social media accounts;
2. Kick-off meeting and engagement of the target;
3. 6 Workshops of 1 day with experts on issues related to participatory planning, audience development, conflict management, networking dynamics. They will be open to the three cultural associations’ members and all other young professionals interested;
4. Coaching sessions: 12 hours couching for each youth organization involved, in order to facilitate organizational dynamics, help them focusing on a shared vision, apply concepts learned during workshops;
5. 3 cultural events: in Castrofilippo, Grotte and Cammarata;
6. Final project meeting and public presentation of the Better Together network;

What are the expected results?

The three cultural organizations will increase their efficacy on their territories of reference thanks to the skills learned (promoting participation, managing conflict, etc.). Thanks to the involvement of young professionals, each cultural organization will also increase the number of members animating their community. Therefore, it will be easier for them to carry on activities with a major return in terms of personal satisfaction and impact. The creation of a regional network of young professionals in the field of art and culture will constitute a place of mutual support to face the sense of isolation, lack of social and cultural stimulus and the scarcity of employment. All these factors will increase the target’s quality of life and discourage their migration.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project strengthens democracy and active citizenship in two ways. The first one consist of providing young creative professionals with tools to promote democratic practices in their territory. As a matter of fact, the workshops will deal with participatory planning, stakeholders involvement, conflicts management, audience development. These competences will allow them to better dialogue with local administrations and to integrate and include different interests and instances in their future intervention. Secondly, the creation of a network among young local professionals in the field of art and culture will allow to create a new tool for fostering participation in the region, encouraging the exchange among them and implementation of new activities.

Why is this idea important to you?

The people involved in the project know each other well, work in very similar fields and had the opportunity over time to discuss and share thoughts about difficulties and dreams regarding our work in Sicily. We also shared possible solutions to the same problems and ideas/actions to meet common needs and we have a strong motivation to contribute to the local development of our island. This knowledge, connections and the bottom-up approach gives us the confidence to believe it has a great potential for impact. Moreover all the partners strongly believe that the region has all the resources needed for becoming a more economically developed and socially inclusive place and they really want to commit themselves to this cause. This project is definitely seen as a great way to do it.

€ 42,-

Total budget

€ 42,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel Cost:
Management 8.000€
Trainer/Experts and workshops 5.000€
Coaching (12h x 3): 4.000 €
Public relations/Communication expert: 3.000€
Graphic designer: 1.000
3 cultural events: 15.000 €
Office expenses: 1000
Materials for workshops/coaching: 2.000 €
Travel and accommodation costs for trainers: 3.000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be happy to have feedback on the goals and problem identified by our proposal, if inside the community they are felt important and relevant as they are for us, and also on the strategy of intervention we propose.






Idea created on May 26, 2020

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